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Juniper walked into the living room with Morty, watching Rick bang on a grey box near the tv, "god dammit," he kept whacking it, "you'd think they would've mastered this shit by now."

Juniper pointed at the box, "what's that?" She asked Morty.

"The box for inter dimensional cable," he responded.

Rick hit the box until the tv switched on, "finalllyyyy," he said plopping down onto the couch.

Morty grabbed the seat next to Rick, and Juniper next to Morty. Rick flipped through the channels that seemed meaningless. Juniper didn't watch much tv, considering all she did was work. So, this really wasn't her style, but she kept quiet and stared mindlessly at the tv.

Juniper tried to keep her eyes open, but she could feel herself falling asleep. Her body ached from the beating she got during Ricks adventure. While her eyes were almost closing, Rick draped his hand along the back of the couch, and Juniper could feel the shift behind her. The woman's eyes shot open, and she looked at Rick who didn't seem to notice her shake awake.

Juniper looked around the room, "inter dimensional cable is pretty weird," she commented tiredly.

Morty laughed, "yeah but they have some fun shows," he threw his arms around, "and you haven't even seen the best they have a movie called ball fondlers."

"Ball fondlers?" Juniper said laughing.

"Yeah! It's about these-these team of military soldiers that go around saving people," Morty explained, "and-and they go on some super cool missions and-and have cool stunts."

"Well now you've sold me," Juniper laughed.

Rick yawned, "you wouldn't like it."

"Why's that?" Juniper asked.

"You like dumb things," Rick said emotionlessly.

"I do not," Juniper crossed her arms, "you don't even know me to deduce that."

Summer and Morty watched them yell back and forth at each other with shocked expressions, "you two have a toxic relationship," Summer commented.

"We don't have a relationship!" Juniper and Rick yelled.

"Woah okay, defensive much?" Summer said sarcastically.

"We're not defensive!" They yelled in sync for a second time.

Juniper looked at Rick, "stop saying what I'm saying!"

"You stop saying what I'm saying!" Rick retorted.

"I swear to god I'm gonna punch you," Juniper crossed her arms.

Rick laughed, "with your noodle arms."

"You saw me taking down those bugs with you!" Juniper yelled.

"I saw myself taking down most of those bugs," Rick crossed his arms.

"So, you admit I took some down," Juniper grinned.

"I admit no such things."

Juniper sat back against the couch grumbling to herself. Rick groaned grabbing a flask from his lab pocket, taking a sip.

"Now you're drinking?" Juniper scoffed.

"I'm always drinking," Rick said.

Juniper rolled her eyes at him but focused back onto the tv. Rick continued drinking throughout the night while every sat in silence watching a random show.

Later on in the night, Morty had went off to sleep along with his sister and Juniper slumped onto the couch along with Rick, who leaned his head back onto the couch sleeping. Juniper stared at him and shook her head, "what a dick," she whispered.

Juniper felt like she had just fallen asleep when someone shook her arm, "wake up kid," she heard Rick say faintly.

"What Rick?" She asked opening her eyes to see it was still dark out, "it's the middle of the night."

"You're literally sleeping on my couch, you don't get a say what time I wake you up," he said with an attitude.

"Right," Juniper said sitting up.

"At least sleep in a bed, this way I won't have to hear it from Beth," he gestured for her to follow him.

Juniper stood up walking along with him, "what would you hear from Beth?"

"Ya know," Rick opened his garage door, "letting random people sleep on the couch, she runs a tight ship around here," he pulled out a futon and pointed to it, "here."

Juniper looked at the uncomfortable bed, with the thinnest sheet she's ever seen in her life, "uh thanks," she cringed sitting down on the creaky bed.

"Don't mention it," Rick said walking out of the room.

"Night Rick," Juniper said, not receiving a response. She sighed and laid back onto the floor like bed, cuddling into the nonexistent blankets. She fell asleep for a second time, hoping he wouldn't wake her up again.



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