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The next morning Juniper woke up with a headache, it was a Sunday which meant she'd have work the next day. Juniper groaned and sat up, stretching her arms in the air, she looked around for any sign of Rick but saw nothing. From outside the garage, she heard muffled talking and went through the hall to the front door to see what the commotion was all about.

"Have fun you too," she heard Rick say.

Juniper walked outside, "oh hi Juniper," Morty greeted.

"Hey everyone, good morning," she said, feeling awkward after staying the night at their house, without Beth and Jerry's permission.

Juniper saw Morty's parents throwing suitcases into the car, "where are you headed?" She asked them.

"We're going on a 'titanic themed getaway'," Beth said sarcastically throwing up quotation marks.

Jerry groaned, "let's lose the tude please, it's supposed to be romantic."

Beth pointed at Rick, "speaking of disasters, dad, we are leaving you in charge here," she looked to Juniper, "and Juniper, since she's way more responsible than all of you."

"I know," Rick waved his hand, "can we wrap this up? Me and Morty have some synthetic laser eels oxidizing in the garage."

"Hey, don't blow me off!" Beth yelled at him, "I am drawing a line, okay? Any damage to this house, or these children when we get back and-and," she stuttered, "no more adventures with Morty."

Morty gave a worried face, "aw geez Rick, if my mom's the one saying it then you know it's pretty serious this time."

"That's right!" Jerry and Beth said.

"Wait what?" Jerry said in disbelief.

"Listen, you have my word as a caregiver, everything's gonna be fine, just go on your stupid trip" Rick brushed them off.

Beth looked at Juniper, "please stay and make sure everything goes smoothly here."

"Yeah, no problem Mrs. Smith, I'll keep things in order," Juniper sent her a thumbs up.

"Oh, thank god, okay then I guess we're going," Beth said getting in the car.

Jerry held his finger up, "not one thing out of place," he got into the car before opening the window and shouting, "not a single thing!"

From behind them eels came flooding out of the garage door, disintegrating it, Summer sighed, "well since we're past the point of no return. I'm going to have a party."

Juniper followed them into the kitchen, leaning against the counter, listening to Summer talking on the phone. She was asking her friend to bring vodka which made Juniper put a hand over her eyes. There was no way the house was going to survive this.

Morty came barreling into the kitchen, "Summer you can't throw a party!" He yelled, "Remember what mom said!"

"Yeah, if anything gets messed up, you and Grandpa Rick get punished," Summer pulled an innocent face, "I'm only human, Morty."

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