Waving his hand, he healed the cuts and made mental note how the wounds were taking far more time and magic than usually required.

Calmly, he observed the space beyond the shimmering wall and narrowed his eyes at the moving silhouettes. Something nightmarish and inhuman and in large numbers were making a lot of ruckus and though Claude couldn't hear or see them, he had a inkling whatever those things were, they were not friendly.

Claude let out a annoyed sigh. He was sure he had deal with those things before he could proceed forward.

Claude touched the wall, scrutinizing its structure and estimating the magic spell behind it. Weapons would be useless against. Only pure magic could counter it.

Coming to a conclusion, he gazed at the distorted space with a cold pair of eyes and struck his fist. His fist covered with magic sizzled violently as it came in contact with the wall.

Despite the resistance and sharp pain from the cuts, his bloodied fist struck the wall again. And again. Over and over until his fist became slippery with blood and the wall red. He switched to other hand and continued striking.

The wall that looked immovable and indestructible slowly began to cave in and crack like fragile glass.

With loud sound of shattering, the wall broke, shards of magic falling to the ground with a heavy thud.

Claude took a deep breath, lightly waving his wrist to flick off the blood and heal his wounds. Taking a step forward, Claude summoned his sword.

Looking at the rushing silhouettes hidden in the mist, his gaze changed.

Claude gave a faint smile-- chilling and taunting.

As the silhouette broke out of the fog, it was truly a chilling sight. Even calling them monster wouldn't be sufficient to describe their nightmarish appearance that looked like something conjured up from the recess of the some twisted mind that wasn't suppose to see the light of the day.

They were probably the keepers and guardians of the forest. It was the Witch's doing no doubt about it.

Claude exhaled slowly. His heart raced, beating so loud his ears rang. Not out of fear or terror but anticipation.

These past few weeks, Claude had to bottle up every emotion and lock it away so he could focus on handling your absence and take care of Athanasia. Though no matter how much self control and stoicism he practiced, times he felt like bursting, his chest hurting and a feeling of suffocation overwhelming him. Still he would push it down and carry on.

But now faced with a opportunity to let out all the violent emotions away from all eyes, he couldn't help but welcome it.

With the monsters made from mana slowly drawing near, his heart started to beat even louder like a challenger waiting his turn. His lips twisting in a sharp grin.

He gathered all the accumulating suppressed killing intent in the sword and the sword started to tremble from the power.

Without further delay, closing his eyes and sharpening his other senses, Claude simply attacked.

Claude jumped through the air in the blink of an eye and aimed at the rushing monsters. In a fraction of second, the ground was drenched in blood as the heads of the monsters rolled down the ground.

The monsters stopped for a moment, glancing around as if confused before letting out enraged roars and rushing towards Claude, fangs and claws out.

Like lightning bolts, sword struck one of the largest monster's shoulder, erupting it's muscles, the bone and the flesh.

Soul Bonded [Claude De Alger Obelia x reader ]Where stories live. Discover now