43. Master Manipulator

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I'm enjoying my time here. Everything exceeds my expectations. The luxury, the wealth, servants. Everything.

Hope you're doing better. And be successful in your endeavours.

Your lovingly sister,

Penelope smiled, folding the letter her sister sent her. She picked up the cup with delicate hands and sipped elegantly.

Her sister Rosalia was currently in southern part of Obelia. Being courted by Count Ferdinand; a wealthy man with many fertile lands. Rosalia was quite lucky that on her debutante, the Count was smitten with her and now she was enjoying her time being pampered by him. It was good investment.

Penelope wistfully gazed at her cup. Someday she too would enjoy the wealth, the respect of a princess.

It was time she set up her plans. She'd been doing it the day she arrived on the request of The Emperor. It was a meticulous job with critical observation and calculation.

Imagine her surprise when she found out you were friends with Second Prince.

It was unexpected things but beneficial for her. It became even more easy to get close to the Outcast Prince and pave her way to his heart.


"Yes, milady?"

She smiled at her submissive behaviour. The maid infront of her was your caretaker but it wasn't hard to gain her loyalty. Money afterall speaks volumes. Now she omitted everything she knew. The inside gossips, the relationships. Information she could use.

"Has his Highness arrived?"

"No, milady. His highness hasn't arrived at."

Penelope sighed. The walls surrounding Claude's heart was thick made of steels. It was going to take a while for her to replace you. Time to go hunt her fiancé.

She grasped her red hand-fan and gently flapped. Marie followed her as her guide. Showing her the way.

Soon enough she did find her fiancé, in the Royal library, studing. She stood in the doorway looking at the nonchalant Claude who was immersed in Wars strategy.

Sensing her presence, Claude looked up face unreadable, eyes freezing cold.

"May I disturb you?" She sweetly smiled and used her charming face. "Would you mind taking a walk with me. It's quite pleasant outside."

Claude opened his mouth to decline but Penelope cut him off with a pleading look.

"Please. I do insist. It will be lonely to take a walk outside when I can have the company of my beloved."

People always told her she was a smooth, sweet talker. She had bewitched many with just her words.

She watched as he calculatively looked her way, weighting his options. The tension in the room continued to increase.


It was a curt response with no emotion. Contrast to the way he talked to you.

Penelope felt agitation in her heart. The dull answer was expected but it wasn't pleasant. But she hid her agitation with a sweet smile.

She had to keep up the pretense. Now wasn't time to show her true colours.

Claude reached her and she linked her arms through his. Penelope eyed how her fiancé stiffened but didn't protest.

She smiled in satisfaction. The small victory send sense of triumphant through her body

Small steps.

Soul Bonded [Claude De Alger Obelia x reader ]Where stories live. Discover now