4. Old Wounds And Paranoid Heart

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It was summer again.

From your seat near the window, you could see the entire village in one glance.

You could see the lively villagers working in their fields, busy growing fruits and vegetables and cutting the prepared crops.

Sunrays filtered through the windows, filling the room with warm hues. The aroma of roses and other wild plants wafted through the room.

Birds fluttered their wings joyfully as the season where they could hunt to their heart's content was here.

You sat in the chair, feet kicking back and forth as your forearms rested on the round table.

You watched as Nora scanned rows and rows of shelves lined up on the wall stuffed with vials filled with shimmering liquid and preserved plants. Occasionally she would let out a hum before picking up a vial and placing it on the round table.

You observed the shimmering liquid inside. It looked like science experiments you conducted during your practicals back on Earth.

Your mind wandered off looking at the mesmerizing liquid. It's been over half a decade since you came into this world.

Aside from the fact that whatever was happening was insane and impossible, the chance of dying again was a high probability.

So far from your knowledge of reading so many novels and watching anime, you either get to be an awesome hero who's out on an adventure to slay some ridiculously OP villain to save the world, becoming famous and living a luxurious life with a harem of beautiful people.

Or you're gonna be some antagonist who's coming between the fated lovely couple and getting killed by the male hero to prove his love for his darling lover.

Or if you're unlucky enough you'd be some side character getting murdered for some quality plot.

The possibility of being the main character of some tragic story was so ridiculous, that it was crossed the moment it surfaced amidst the other options.

You, the main character of a tragic story? You snorted just thinking about it.

So the most important question was what role did you play?

Waking up in a small peaceful village wasn't exactly the start of some demon-hunting adventure.

You hoped it wasn't the latter. Because it would be a real shame to be given a second chance at life only to die again!

As time flew by and nothing out of the ordinary happened, you relaxed.

All the overthinking for nothing.

Your thoughts broke when a vial dropped. Thankfully it didn't break. Nora picked it up, examined it carefully, and breathed out in relief when she didn't find any damage.

Nora was somewhat of an alchemist. Experimenting with different medicinal plants and selling the final successful product into the market of the Obelian Empire. She traveled every month and was the only source of money in the house.

Since Nora was an orphan and was ostracised from the village, she had to travel out of the village and to the capital of the Empire.

You had witnessed people treating her differently. It pissed you off.

Being a fatherless child of an unwed woman, you weren't an exception from the treatment but it was to a lesser extent. The topic of your father was taboo. So you avoided asking no matter how curious you were.

Trade was the only source of income in Almaya since it was small and poor and at the edge of the Empire. Many of the villagers did take up the trade like Nora but instead of medical herbs, they sold fruits and vegetables. It was a desperate situation and there was no help from the capital.

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