Chapter 3 - Season 4

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I was grumpy this morning. Damon had informed me that he was taking Elena to a college so she could learn how to snatch, eat, erase as she has been struggling with her vampire transition and I also found out that Elena had compelled Jenna out of town. Honestly the whole situation with Elena and Damon being alone makes me uneasy but there isn't much I can do. So I was silently glaring out the kitchen window whilst drinking my morning coffee because if I open my mouth and voice my opinion it won't be pleasant.

"Good morning" I look over at Elijah and offer him a small smile, "what's the matter darling?".

"Nothing Eli. I'm just not happy with the whole Damon taking Elena to a college to learn how to feed properly" I hold my hand up as I see Elijah is about to say something, "I trust Damon, but I don't trust Elena. She had made it clear from the start that she will always mean more to Damon, now obviously that's lies but it still bothers me" Elijah sighed before wrapping his arms around me.

"I know it's hard but after today it will be over, and Damon can go back to ignoring her as much as possible. However we are having guests today so we will be able to keep your mind off it" I nodded at him before placing my now empty cup into the dishwasher before wandering out of the kitchen and up to my room. If we were having guests today I need to get dressed as I don't think my silk shorts and Damon's t-shirt would be appropriate, so with this in mind I pulled out a black silk shirt and paired it with a black pair of skinny jeans. I didn't bother with shoes and just left my slippers on; I wasn't going anywhere so it didn't matter what I was wearing on my feet. Brushing my hair out I made my way down the stairs, as I reached the bottom step Klaus walked through the door.

"Hey Nik" I walked over and give him a small kiss.

"Hello love" Klaus took my hand and pulled me into the room that Connor was in, I looked curiously at the hunter, who in turn looked curiously at me. "Looks like I need to beef up the hybrid security detail" I looked up at Klaus confused until Stefan stepped out of the shadows.

"I was going to take him. But I figured you went through all this trouble to truss him up in your red room of pain" I giggled a little at Stefan's comment before wandering a little closer to Connor, his eyes never left me as I got closer, he looked ready to strike at a moments notice.

"It's from the inquisition. Thought it was a nice touch" I could feel the gaze of the two vampires on my back as I stood still in front of Connor.

"What did you get out of him?" Stefan had started to fidget the more I stood in front of this hunter, Klaus did too. I tuned out the conversation that Stefan and Klaus were having as I kept my curious gaze locked on the hunter, only the sound of his voice as he told Klaus that he didn't know anything, snapped me out of my daze. I wasn't sure why the hunter fascinates me, maybe it was because of the magical aspect.

"Come on sweetheart, time to go have a conversation with Stefan and Rebekah" Klaus gently wrapped his arm around my shoulder and guided me out the room.

"Bye Connor" I called over my shoulder, startling slightly when I heard him reply.

"Goodbye Jamie" both me and Klaus halted in our footsteps before continuing on like we hadn't heard. When we walked into the foyer my smile brightened.

"Bekah! How have you been?" Rebekah came over and gave me a hug before Klaus quickly whisked her and Stefan away to go and look at Connor.

"I've been alright Jamie, and you?" Rebekah answered my earlier question when she came back into the room a few minutes later. I just nodded before moving into the dining room and taking a seat in between Klaus and Elijah. A young, compelled waitress comes over and serves our food and drink.

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