Chapter 8 - Season 3

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Hiding inside Caroline's house this morning with Elena, Matt and Bonnie was not top on the list of things I wanted to do today, however celebrating Caroline's birthday was. So I relented and tabled all grudges for today so we could all spend the day with Caroline. Just as she put her things down we all jumped out.

"Happy birthday!" Caroline jumped at the sound of our voices but sighed when she saw it was only us.

"What are you guys doing here?" my heat broke a little seeing the look on Caroline's face. She had told me yesterday evening after I had woken up again how she didn't really want to celebrate her birthday.

"Well you blew off school and missed our birthday work of art so...." Elena trailed off as she put a plastic tiara on Caroline's head.

"So change into warmer clothes, we're going down to the falls. S'mores, campfire.." I trailed off this time coming and linking my arm with hers.

"Cake! Just like when we were little" Elena smiled at Caroline who seemed to still not want to budge on this.

"Except for the tequila" Matt held up a bottle of tequila making me laugh a little.

"Thanks guys. Really, uh, I'm just not really feeling my birthday this year" I rubbed Caroline's arm in comfort.

"Sorry what? You've already dubbed your birthday as everybody's favourite day of the year" Bonnie tried to make the situation bless her.

"I know and now it's just a reminder that, technically I'm dead. Look I didn't even like 17 and the whole point of 17 was to get to 18. It's a filler year; I'm stuck in a filler year" I understood where Caroline was coming from, I feel the same way about my birthday, that's why I have never told anyone when it was.

"Well I have an idea, so go get dressed Caroline, everyone meet me and Care at the old Fell crypt in the woods in twenty minutes with something that reminds you of Caroline" everyone nodded and rushed off, once it was me and Caroline I hugged her as a tear slipped down her face.

"Oh Care, it's okay to feel stuck. But think of the positives, you have this wonderful, vibrant life ahead of you now. So we need to say goodbye to the old Caroline Forbes, now go and get ready" I shooed Caroline to her bedroom and waited in the living room for her to come out. When she did we made our way to the crypt, meeting up with the other three before heading inside. "Care was right, she technically is dead, so she doesn't need a party, she needs a funeral, so she can say goodbye to her old life and embrace her new one. Elena will you start?" Elena nodded at me and began.

"Here lies Caroline Forbes. Cheerleader, Miss Mystic Falls, third grade hopscotch champion..." Bonnie stood up next.

"Friend, daughter, overachiever.." then matt took his turn.

"Mean girl, sometimes, no offence" we all laughed before I took my turn again.

"Such a wonderful and caring person. Always supportive and rarely judgemental. She was 17 and had a really good life. So rest in peace so she can move forward, amen, cheers or whatever" everyone laughed again as we took it in turns to drink the tequila. I had brought a bottle of whiskey as well just in case we ran out of tequila, which we did, though I was the only one who drank the whiskey. The teenagers had me telling stories of my childhood and teenage years, especially the time I got so drunk I tried to ride a cow and ended up in the hospital with a broken arm. Caroline had been texting Tyler, but I had left her to it. Everything was fine until Elena caught her that is.

"Ah-ah I need it more than you" she took my bottle of whiskey out of Matts hand after he asked for some so I quickly took it back off her, "Caroline what are you doing?" I groaned knowing that Elena was about to cause a scene.

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