Chapter 7 - Season 2

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I had been lumbered with babysitting Elena for the morning. Bonnie and Damon had begged me to place a boundary spell on Elena's house, effectively trapping said girl in there. I was sat at the dining table reading some sleezy romance novel Jenna had given me to stop me from getting bored, when Bonnie came into the kitchen.

"Do you want some coffee Jamie?" Bonnie asked, holding up the coffee pot.

"Sure Bon, that sounds great. So have you left the bait?" I asked, quietly thanking Bonnie as she passed me my coffee. At that moment we heard Elena trotting down the stairs so we both moved into the hallway. "And just where do you think your going?" I asked with a raised brow as Bonnie stands at the bottom of the stairs.

"Uh to see Stefan" Elena responds, avoiding eye contact with us all.

"You're lying" me and Bonnie say at the same time before looking at each other and high fiving.

"No I'm not" Elena insisted.

"Really? Tell your face" me and Bonnie say in unison again. We burst out laughing before we look back at Elena.

"Are you serious?" Elena looked gobsmacked that we were stopping her, just then Jeremy appeared at the top of the stairs.

"She took the moonstone" he said, holding up Bonnies now empty bag.

"How did you-?" Elena started to ask however I cut her off.

"We tested you and you failed. At least this way you cant run off on a suicide mission" I grumbled, quickly shutting up at the look Bonnie gave me.

"Klaus killed Katherines entire family just because she crossed him. I cant let that happen" Elena sounded desperate but then again I think I would in her position, Bonnie looked at me and I nodded so she moved aside, and we all watched as Elena opened the door but couldn't leave as she was stuck with an invisible wall. "What did you do?" Elena spat at Bonnie.

"It wasn't Bonnie it was me. You are on a martyr tear that rivals even Stefan's greatest hits, at least this way we can make sure you stay alive." I shrugged leaning against the kitchen doorway.

"You made it very clear you don't care about me Jamie so why are you helping?" Elena challenged, crossing her arms over her chest and popping her hip out.

"Was that supposed to be intimidating?" I ask gesturing to her posture. "Look honestly I don't actually care whether you live or die, but the people I care about do. I don't want to have to look Stefan, Jeremy, Jenna, Bonnie or Caroline in the eye for the next god knows how many years if you die, so yeah, I'm helping because of them Elena. Don't think for a second I'm doing it for you because believe me when I say, I couldn't care less" I spat before heading back into the kitchen. I listened as she stomped off back upstairs like a petulant child.

"Thank you" I jumped at Jeremy's voice. "Sorry I thought you heard me" I just waved him off.

"What are you thanking me for? I just basically ripped your sister a new one" I furrowed my eyebrows whilst leaning against the counter.

"Yeah but she needed to hear it. I love my sister; I do but she doesn't care about what loosing her would do to any of us. When she ran off to try and hand herself over to Klaus, she didn't care enough to think how we would feel" Jeremy said quietly as he sunk into one of the dining chairs. Pulling one out beside him I gently took his hand in my own.

"I wont lie and tell you I like you sister, frankly I don't. I hate her to be honest. But my reasons are my own, I would never punish other people for it, so yes I will help as much as possible if it means you get to keep your sister by your side. You're a good kid Jer, your sister is just trying to look out for you in her own twisted way" I patted his hand before standing up. "Now come on, lets make food because I'm starving, and Jenna told me to help myself".

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