Chapter 2 - Season 2

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As I taped up the last box I looked around my apartment. I hadn't been here long, but I was still sad that I was leaving. Me and Damon decided it was safer for me to be living at the boarding house. Hopefully putting a stop to the letters id been receiving. I was freaked out and even more paranoid than before. Sighing I looked out the window one last time. I knew everything was moving quickly, I had only met Damon a few weeks ago but right now, the safest place for me was by his side.

"You ready to go Angel?" Damon asked from the front door. I didn't say a word as I watched the movers take the last of my boxes. Nodding my head, we left the apartment, and I handed my keys in. It was final now. We made our way out to the car and headed to the boarding house, we had two separate trucks, one was taking my furniture to storage, which Bonnie was taking care of before she went to the school to help set up the carnival and the one that had my things was coming to the boarding house. As we pulled up Stefan was outside watching the movers take my stuff up to Damon's room. I didn't have a lot, so all my keep sakes would remain in boxes in a spare room and my grimoires, clothes and other things I needed would be in Damon's room.

"So you've finally moved in then?" Stefan asked, he only received a nod in response. Damon shot him a look that basically told him to let it go for now. I walked into the house and up the stairs to begin unpacking my clothes. The grimoires would have to wait until the movers had gone. Damon had already cleaned out half of his closet for me and since I didn't have a huge amount of clothing, it all fit. Once the movers had gone, I arranged my grimoires onto a bookshelf Damon had put up for me in the bedroom before sitting on his bed with a sigh.

"I'm sorry this has happened to you Angel" Damon said softly, sitting down beside me.

"It isn't your fault love. It would have happened eventually. Though I thought that me deciding to move in with you, would of gone a lot different" I responded quietly. Damon pulled me into his arms with a sigh.

"I know baby. So when we go travelling, where are we going first?" Damon asked, a smile coming to my face at his subtle subject change.

"I was thinking Scotland, I've got to show you where I'm from" he looked down at me, smiling when he caught me already looking at him.

"Scotland it is. Then after that I'm thinking Paris?" I smiled wider at Damon's words. "However right now I have other mattered I need to address".

"Hmmm and what would those be" my face remained innocent, but my words were seductive.

"Well first.." Damon started before gently pushing me back on the bed, "I need you to be wearing less clothing, I think however you know what number two is" the growl in his voice had me panting as I nodded my head. "Good girl, now let's get started....."


"Do we have to be here?" I groaned as Damon dragged me through the carnival, taking me into the school before stopping dead as we watch Tyler Lockwood compete in an arm-wrestling competition. He explained to me his conversation with Stefan and his theory about the uncle Mason Lockwood. I told him that they were probably werewolves but without solid proof I couldn't be sure.

"Your lurking" Stefan muttered from the side of me causing me to jump out of my skin.

"Fuck sake Stefan, we need to get you a damn bell" I crossed my arms in a huff as Stefan just laughed at me.

"And we aren't lurking, we are observing" I hummed at Damon's words, wrapping my hand around his bicep as I leant my head against his shoulder.

"More like obsessing" I shot Stefan a look, silencing him quickly. My eyes were drawn away when Tyler won the competition.

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