Chapter 1 - Season 4

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I was lay in bed with Damon and Klaus a few days later. Elijah was sat in the corner of the room; Klaus had his head on my thighs, and I had my head on Damon's stomach. The four of us relished in the peace and quiet we had finally received for once in our lives. Unfortunately me and Damon had a memorial to attend later but right now I was exactly where I needed to be. Damon was raking his fingers lazily through my hair as I did the same to Klaus.

"Do you really have to go today?" Klaus looked up at me, I smiled sleepily at him and just hummed. Not liking my lack of response he sat up and hovered over me.

"I do I'm afraid, although the man did get me shot, Carol personally asked me to go" Klaus apparently still not liking my answer much kissed me once before moving his lips down my neck, "Nik, if I could get out of it I would, but I can't, so make the most of me because I'll be gone most of the afternoon" Klaus not needing anymore encouragement slid his hand up my side making me giggle as it tickled me.

"If you two are going to be doing that then you either need to let me up or let me join in" Damon's voice made me jump but I just sent him a devilish grin in response, and Damon not needing any encouragement moved quickly so he could attack the other side of my neck as his hand moved higher up my thigh. Elijah placed his book down and wandered over, kissing me hard before telling me to have fun and I was all his later. As soon as the door closed behind him the two soulmates upped the intensity of their sweet torture.


"Shit, Damon come on, we're going to be late" I rushed downstairs with my heels in hand, I was wearing a pair of black suit pants with a high neck lace black shirt with a black tank top underneath with a pair of black heeled pumps. I decided to only wear a little bit of eyeliner and mascara. Damon then rushed up behind me as I was quickly putting my shoes on and shouting a quick bye to Elijah and Klaus we were out the door. Jumping in Damon's car I quickly brushed through my hair and pulled it into a high ponytail and putting in the amethyst earrings that Damon had given me last night. Obviously they matched the talisman I always wear. As we pulled up Damon came to my side of the car and helped me out when Stefan rushed over to us.

"There's something wrong with Elena" was the first thing out of his mouth, I looked at Damon and rolled my eyes. Damon had been told by Stefan about how Elena was struggling to adjust being a vampire and Damon told him she needed blood from the vein.

"What's wrong with her now Stefan?" I was sick of always hearing about Elena bloody Gilbert.

"She cant keep anything down. We've tried everything but her drinking from the vein" I raised a brow and made a 'is that all' face.

"Then that's what she needs to try. Me and Damon are busy Stefan, believe it or not our lives do not revolve around the dopplebitch" I hooked my hand around Damon's bicep as Stefan looked at his brother who just shrugged.

"What my girl said, I told you last night Stefan that she needed to drink straight from the vein but you didn't listen" Stefan getting the picture we wont help walked off. Damon and I were close behind and as we walked into the church Damon dipped his finger in the holy water and traced a cross on himself with a little chuckle, "Don't know why but that always makes me smile" I giggled at him as he pulled us into the seat behind Elena, Stefan, Matt, Jeremy and Jenna.

"She doesn't look so good" I commented quietly behind the group. Jenna turned around in shock at the sound of my voice, but I kept my gaze forward, watching Elena as she stepped up to the podium Carol was just stood at.

"Well she is rejecting all food sources and you or Damon wont do anything to help" I rolled my eyes at Stefan and carried on facing the front.

"She isn't our problem Stefan; we made that clear" Damon took my hand in his trying to calm my raising temper.

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