Chapter 8

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I was waiting outside of the high school this morning. Caroline had asked me to meet her here, apparently she was having a crisis. I watched as the bubbly blonde came rushing over to me, before launching herself at me and capturing me in a hug.

"Oh my god, Jamie you need to help me" Caroline blurted out, slightly breathless from rushing.

"What's the matter hen?" I asked, leaning against the bonnet of my car.

"So, there is a lot of awkwardness between me, Matt and Elena. They used to date and now he's dating me, and I know he isn't over her completely, but I want to show Elena that he has moved on and we are happy, but that we are also still her friend....What do I do?" Caroline stopped pacing to look at me, when she saw me holding in my laughter she ended up laughing herself.

"Well you could always do a double date, you and Matt, her and Stefan" I suggested. I watched as her face lit up before she hugged me again.

"Thank you! That's a great idea! Thanks again for coming here, it means a lot to me. I know I can talk to Bonnie but with her and Elena on the outs and neither one telling me what's going on, I felt like I cant talk to either of them" Caroline's tone was sad, she leant against my car at the side of me, I sighed knowing exactly why the girls were fighting.

"Look honey, Elena and Bonnies fight is between them two. They will be friends again before you know it so don't worry. Don't put yourself in the middle alright?" I stood up and faced her, the last thing I want is for Caroline to get caught in the crossfire.

"Thanks Jamie, you know your actually so nice, and for once I feel like someone is listening to me" Caroline hugged me once again, "thank you for being my friend".

"I'm always going to be here for you Care, I promise. Now go and put your double date plan into motion" I gently pushed he towards school. Caroline turned and gave me a small wave before heading inside. Just then my phone started to ring.

"You know, I only left you 20 minutes ago Damon" I teased. Hearing him groan on the other end of the phone had me laughing.

"It feels like you've been gone for ages".

"Yes well, I'm going to head to my place, I need to pick up a few things. Do you need me to grab anything whilst I'm out?" I asked politely, getting into my car and heading towards my apartment.

"Why don't you just move your things into here. Saves you wasting money on the apartment, and I get to see you all the time. It's a win-win situation" I started laughing, me and Damon had already had this conversation, several times.

"You know why love. I keep my apartment because no one but myself can enter, I have it that way so then all my grimoires and magic related things are protected" I remind him. I would love to move in, but I cannot protect the boarding house like I do with my apartment due to the fact there is always someone coming and going. "Anyway darling, I have to go, I'm at my apartment, I will be at yours within the hour" I quickly hang up the phone and climb the stairs to my apartment. Heading in I gather up the grimoires I am going to need the most and refresh the clothes in my bag. Whilst I'm home I tidy up and do some laundry, so that when I come back again there will be nothing I have to do. When I finally finished packing all the new things into my bag I glance up at the clock, deciding now is a good time to head out to Damon's I go and jump into the car. The ride to the boarding house was quiet, making the journey feel like it took far longer than it actually did. As I climb out the car I can feel the presence of another two vampires in the house, so casting a spell that muffles the sound of my feet and heart beat, I walked into the house to see a woman and Anna. The woman pushed Damon onto the couch and was about to push her thumbs into his eyes when I cast a spell and broke them.

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