Chapter 9 - Season 2

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"You brought back John Gilbert? That was your big save Elena move?" Damon snapped; I rolled my eyes from my seat at Stefan's desk.

"I went to go look for Isobel, I got John instead. He said he can help us and we're desperate" Stefan shrugged.

"You aren't that desperate. The guy tried to barbeque your brother" I pointed out with another eye roll.

"Damon, Bonnies new witch friend is working with Elijah, so we have to assume the moonstone was never destroyed. Elena is putting her faith into this deal that she made with Elijah to keep everyone safe. I mean, do you trust Elijah? I don't trust him. He's an original, he cant be trusted. It's not like we can just go up and kill him because apparently he cant die" I stood up in alarm at Stefan's words, they want to kill him.

"Angel calm down, we aren't going to kill him" Damon cooed wrapping his arms around me before glaring at his brother, "really Stefan? And I'm still waiting for the part where John Gilbert is the answer".

"Well I'm sorry I've hurt Jamie's feelings" Stefan mumbled sarcastically. "He knew about the sacrifice, Isobel told him. He said he knew of a way to keep Elena safe".

"Elijah is off limits to you lot. I mean it Stefan, if anything happens to Damon or Elijah I will kill you all" I spat before stomping out of the room, leaving the two brothers to their conversation. I was heading downstairs when I received a text off Caroline which read 911 NOW. I sighed before shouting for Damon. Seconds later he was in front of me. "I need to go and see Caroline my love. I won't be gone long" I kissed him quickly before attempting to move around him, but he kept my way blocked.

"Make sure you stay with Caroline" I nodded muttering a quick I love you and rushed out the door. Stefan caught up to me when I was on my way to the car.

"Caroline text me as well, come on" I just nodded at him as I jumped into my car and drove to Caroline's. I didn't say a word to him the entire journey as honestly I wasn't sure if he was going to be my friend or attack me. "Look Jamie, I'm sorry about attacking you last night. I should have asked what was going on before assuming you were doing anything disloyal against Damon" I sighed at Stefan's apology.

"I get it Stefan. He's your brother and you don't want to see him hurt. But I have told you before that I have three soulmates, they all deserve to be in my life. I refuse to push mine away" I said quietly as we pulled up to Caroline's. Nothing else was said as we made our way into Caroline's house.

"What's going on Care?" I gently pulled her into a hug to try and calm the anxious state she was in. It seemed to help as she took a deep breath and told us.

"Tyler knows about you, Stefan and Damon. He knows that Damon killed Mason. I didn't say a word" I quickly glanced at Stefan and then looked back to Caroline.

"We know you didn't Caroline. It's that bitch Jules, she had a run in with Damon and then I kicked her ass when she tried to retaliate" Caroline looked at me in shock.

"You took on a werewolf?" she asked to which I just nodded.

"I took on a vampire that was over 500 years old. A werewolf was child's play" I dismissed her shock before she snapped back to the issue at hand.

"Tyler was so upset. The look on his face, he was so betrayed" I gave Caroline's hand a squeeze before looking at Stefan.

"What do we do Stefan? We cant tell Damon because quite frankly he would kill him. Do you think you could go and have a word with Tyler? I'll stay with Caroline to make sure the wolves don't retaliate" Stefan nodded before rushing out the door, "should we go shopping?" I asked, smiling as Caroline's face lit up.

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