Chapter 13 - Season 3

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"This is nice" I was lay on Klaus's chest enjoying the quiet morning, Damon and Elijah had both gone off somewhere, so it was just me and Klaus. The house was quiet and peaceful but knowing our luck something would come along and ruin it.

"It is sweetheart. I'm sorry we haven't been able to do this more often" just then the door downstairs slammed open and sounds of a struggle rang through the house. Sighing me and Klaus both got up and headed for the stairs, just in time to see Sage's and Finns reunion.

"What do you know, true love prevails" Rebekah sounded a little bitter as she came to stand beside me, Klaus and Elijah.

"It does have it's uses. Is Bonnie ready to do the spell?" Klaus looked down at me, so I nodded, as soon as I did the doorbell rang so I quickly opened the door.

"Hey Bonnie, thank you for helping me with this" I hugged her before stepping aside and letting her in.

"I promised I would. I am on your side Jamie, you deserve happiness. Shall we get started?" I nodded and took Bonnie to the table I had set up so we could do the spell. Lighting the candles me and Bonnie stood across from each other as Klaus came over with vials of all the blood needed for each of the originals.

"Where do you want us?" I took the blood off Klaus and poured the blood onto the table, linking hands with Bonnie we started chanting. We carried on chanting and watched as the blood moved from a puddle in the middle to five separate puddles. When the spell was complete I looked up at Bonnie and smiled.

"Thank you Bon, I appreciate this so much" Bonnie walked around the table and hugged me when her phone started to ring again, she just let it ring out before letting me know she had to get back to Grams, who I promised I would come and see soon. Not long after Bonnie left Damon came rushing into the room in a panic.

"Please tell me you and Bonnie managed that spell?" I furrowed my brows at him but nodded anyway.

"Of course, just a few minutes ago why?" Damon rushed over and hugged me with a little sigh of relief.

"Because they all think they are still linked, they're trying to kill Finn" my eyes shot to Klaus and Elijah's before looking back up to Damon.

"Where are they?" I stepped back and quickly pulled my shoes on.

"Mystic Grill. Jamie I don't know if you're going to make it in time, I would have come sooner but I've only just found out" I shook my head and rushed out the door, grabbing my keys on the way out. I rushed over to The Grill and jumped out of the car. I heard Sage shouting from the side of the building, so I rushed over, getting there just in time to see Finn get staked.

"No!" Matt, Elena and Stefan looked up at me in shock before the two humans retreated back inside and Stefan ran off. I tried to stop him from burning with my magic but a hand on my shoulder stopped me.

"He's gone Jamie" I whipped around and looked up at Sage, I pulled her into a hug when I saw her tear-stained face.

"I'm so sorry Sage, I wasn't quick enough" Sage held me a little tighter before we parted ways. I jumped into my car and started driving back to the manor, I could barely see because of my tears, so pulling out my phone I pressed the speed dial.


"Eli, I-I couldn't save him, I'm so sorry I tried I really did" alright even though I didn't spend a lot of time with Finn, he didn't deserve to die. He had been brainwashed by his own mother and Sage was showing him that he could finally be happy.

"Darling I need you to pull over. You cant drive in that state".

"I'm nearly home, I'll be alright I promise. I am so sorry" another sob broke out of my mouth, my foot hit the accelerator as my grief started to turn into blind rage. I didn't hear another word Elijah had said, I was about to turn around so I could head to the boarding house when a familiar figure in the road caused me to swerve. I screamed as my car started to roll, landing upside down. I coughed a little and my vision was blurry, there was a ringing in my ear, and I couldn't really focus.

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