Chapter 6 - Season 3

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We were wandering through the woods of Portland as Klaus made new hybrids. Me and Elijah were playing hide and seek because I was bored, we were both using our abilities, me my magic and Elijah was using the vampire hearing to he could hear my heartbeat. Elijah had just found me hiding in a tree when Klaus came marching over.

"It's time. The plan is set into motion, by the end of the day Mikael will be dead" my eyes widened at Klaus before looking at Elijah. I didn't think it would have happened so quickly, but I am also relieved it is. It means that once this is over me and my soulmates can just live peacefully. Or at least as peacefully as we could with two of them being originals who have a lot of enemies.

"When do we leave?" Elijah looked between the two of us.

"Now" my soulmates nodded at my words. I have to admit I am extremely nervous, my mind is currently running through every scenario, I needed to be prepared for anything. Damon has been keeping me up to date with everything, he is playing his part wonderfully. Though I do worry in case he gets caught, Mikael would kill him just to make sure this plan goes off without a hitch. I didn't say much as I climbed on Klaus's back and clung onto him as they used their vampire speed to get back to the car with Klaus's hybrids close behind.

The plan: Klaus has Tyler ready to flood the gym and move the homecoming dance to his house where me, Elijah and Klaus will be. Damon will be trusted with the white oak stake that Mikael has as he is the only one of them who can get into the house. Stefan will most likely stay out of it due to being compelled by Klaus, chances ae they will get Katherine to swap places with Elena so that she isn't in danger. Caroline wont know anything about it because they always leave her out of it, however Bonnie will know but probably wont be involved. In fact I know Bonnie knows because I received a warning text off her just as we were getting into the car. I spoke to Rebekah this morning who didn't know anything about this plan. She wants Klaus to suffer because he killed their mother, my heart breaks for her because I know deep down she doesn't actually want Klaus to die but she is hurt and angry and feeling very vengeful. Rose and Trevor are still far enough away that they wont get caught in the middle so I'm at least happy about that.

I watched the scenery pass me by in a blur, the sun had started going down letting us know that it wont be long now. I closed my eyes so I could do some meditation. I needed to constantly be on guard and thanks to Elijah I have been able to identify vampires from a fair distance away. The older the vampire, the further away I could sense them. However meditating helps me keep myself grounded and stops my magic from acting out. "We are going to make it out of this alive sweetheart. All of us" Klaus's voice made me jump a little, but I looked over at him and smiled.

"I know Nik. We can do this, no, we will do this" he smiled at me before concentrating back on the road. It wasn't long before we had pulled into the Lockwood's driveway and preparations for tonight were already underway. Carol had already been compelled to leave for the evening, though to do what I didn't know. Klaus never told me, but it did make him laugh, whatever it was.


"How did he plan a better party than me so fast" my head whipped round at the sound of Caroline's voice.

"Care?" Caroline looked over at me before rushing over and hugging me.

"Oh my god, you're here! I thought you couldn't make it?" I smiled lightly as Caroline pulled away from me as she asked.

"Well I wanted to surprise you" just then one of the hybrids came and whispered in my ear that my presence had been requested by Klaus, "I'll catch up with you later Care, I need to go and check in with someone" I hugged her again before rushing off with the hybrid. As Klaus came into view he held his hand out for me to take, it was time to make our grand entrance. Elijah took my other hand as Klaus pulled us up onto the stage.

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