Chapter 11 - Season 2

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I was walking with Jenna and Elijah along the old property lines. Jenna had rang early this morning and asked me to join at the request of Elijah so here I am. Honestly I didn't want to do much of anything today, but it turns out that wasn't in the cards for me.

"The old Fell property starts just beyond that fence" Jenna pointed out; I glanced over as I saw an old, abandoned house in the distance. I could already feel the power rolling out of it in waves.

"Ah the Fells, one of the 'founding families'" Elijah wore a smirk on his face knowing that these founding families didn't actually found anything.

"Why do you say it like that?" Jenna's innocence almost makes me wince. The woman doesn't even know that she is standing beside a 1000-year-old vampire.

"My research showed me that this area was actually settled almost two full centuries earlier. It was a migration of towns folk from the northeast, um, it was Salem to be precise" Elijah was very well informed, I'll give him that.

"Massachusetts? As in the witch trials?" I smiled at Jenna's question.

"Which means the ever lauding ''founding families'' didn't actually found anything" Elijah finished with a smile.

"I bet it was the men who made a big deal about being founders back in 1860. Men are very territorial" just as Jenna finished her sentence we all looked up at the sound of footsteps to see Ric walking towards us.

"Yes they are" Elijah said quietly, taking a cautious step towards me that didn't go unnoticed by Ric.

"Elijah, this is my friend, Alaric Saltzman" Jenna introduced the two.

"Hey Ric" I greeted with a wave.

"Hey Jamie, I didn't know you'd be here" Ric looked between me, Elijah and Jenna.

"Yeah. Jenna asked me to accompany them and since its Jenna I couldn't say no so here I am" Jenna scoffed playfully at the side of me, "what are you doing here?"

"Well when I heard Jenna was walking Elijah through the old property lines I thought I would tag along. You know being a history buff and all. Where to next?" I hummed before hooking my hand around Elijah's arm.

"I'm pretty curious about the freed slave property owners. Some say, you know, they are the true keepers of American history" Elijah said. Jenna nodded at his request.

"Well I only brought the surveys. I got that list in the car. Just give me a sec" Jenna quickly headed to her car leaving me, Elijah and Ric.

"Alaric Saltzman. So your one of the people on Elena's list of loved ones to protect" Elijah pointed out.

"So is Jenna and Jamie" I raised my eyebrows at this.

"Why am I on it, Elena hates me" I state, still confused about it.

"You don't have to be jealous. I rarely pursue younger women. My lovely Jamie being the exception of course" Elijah pressed a kiss to my temple. Ric's face had me laughing though.

"It's a joke Ric, lighten up" I teased before walking away with Elijah. Ric left just before we finished the tour but told me he would see me later. Me, Jenna and Elijah talked a little more about the local history before we eventually ended up in The Grill. Damon, Rose and Trevor saw us, the former waving us down and as we made our way over Elijah twirled me under his arm, making me giggle before getting to the group.

"Hey guys." Damon greeted, I made my way over to him and gave him a small kiss, "hello to you too Angel. So I hear you three had quite the meeting of historical minds today".

"Yeah you could say that" Jenna said smiling at me then at Elijah.

"Well, as much as I'd love to continue this, I have papers to grade" Ric stands up ready to leave when Damon pipes up.

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