Chapter 1 - Season 2

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I was sitting in one of the uncomfortable hospital chairs, my hand was clutched tightly in Liz's hand as we waited for the news on Caroline. I hated this, there was nothing I could do to help, and I just had to sit here and wait. I was snapped out of my daydreaming when Damon approached, I jumped up and slammed into him as I started to cry.

"Liz I came as soon as I could. Is she okay?" Damon asked, rubbing my back as I held onto him for dear life.

"She's in surgery, they're doing everything they can....I need your help Damon" Liz spoke in a hushed tone, I knew why she was asking for Damon's help, Mayor Lockwood had dropped when the device went off and they had mistaken him for a vampire.

"Sure anything Liz" Damon gently kissed the top of my head. I slowly pulled away but didn't get far when I felt his arm wrap around my waist.

"Mayor Lockwood is dead. They thought he was a vampire. They put him in the basement" If the situation hadn't of been serious I would of laughed at the faux shocked look Damon was wearing hearing Liz tell him about the mayor.

"Mayor Lockwood was a vampire?" Damon asked, leaning down a little towards Liz as he said it.

"No, no. A mistake was made. They say he dropped like all the others when Johns device went off but he couldn't have been a vampire. I've known him my whole life and now Carol is going to want answers and all I can think of is Caroline.." Liz trailed off as she started to cry, I wasted no time in hugging her again.

"Me and Damon will deal with it, you just concentrate on Care" I said gently as I pulled away.

"Thank you both" me and Damon smiled at Liz before wandering off, I was so lost in thought I hadn't noticed as we approached Elena and Bonnie, but hearing Damon talk snapped me out of it.

"She doesn't know how do you?" Damon remarked snidely. He was still feeling angry over the whole situation, I know he was cause I was as well.

"No I don't, Jamie do you?" Bonnie asked, I sighed as I leaned against Damon.

"I do, but by the time I can get alone with her it will be too late, my magic wont be able to help. I'd have to do it now" I said trying not to burst into tears again. Damon held onto me a little tighter as he pulled me against his chest.

"I can give Caroline some blood." Damon offered, I lifted my head up and nodded immediately, however Elena shot the suggestion down.

"No, no way" Elena snapped, I sighed looking up at Damon as he nodded at me, he was going to do it for me anyway.

"No, just enough to heal her Elena, she will be safe in here and it will be out of he system in a day. She will be better Elena" Damon pressed.

"No, its too risky-" Elena started however Bonnie cut her off.

"Do it. It's Caroline, we cant let her die. Do it" Bonnie stressed the severity of the situation our friend was in.

"If I do this, me and you, we call a truce?" Damon said causing Bonnie to raise her brow.

"No but you will do it anyways, for Jamie" Bonnie replied before walking away. When it was just me, Elena and Damon a silence fell over us until Damon broke it.

"We need to talk about what happened tonight Elena" Damon said quietly stopping Elena in he tracks as she had started to walk away.

"Yeah one of the tomb vampires had got into the house and nearly killed John" Elena informed us.

"What? When? What are you talking about? After I left?" Damon asked quickly, my brows furrowed as I looked at him in confusion, what was he doing at Elena's.

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