Chapter 5 - Season 2

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"Morning Rose, Trevor" I greeted as I padded my way into the kitchen. I was exhausted, I hadn't slept properly all night, I'm pretty sure I kept Damon up half the night because of it as well.

"How are you feeling Angel?" I jumped hearing Damon's voice before flashing him a small smile as I wrapped my hands around my mug. Damon came over a kissed my forehead.

"I'm alright. I have no idea what was wrong with me last night. I'm sorry if I kept you awake" Damon just waved me off. I padded back out of the kitchen and sat in the living room, picking up one of my grimoires I had left on the side table. I sat down with a sigh before opening the grimoire and skimming through the pages.

"What do you have there?" Trevor asked curiously as he was looking over my shoulder.

"My grimoire. Well one of them anyway. I have hundreds of them" I shrugged before I felt the sofa dip beside me.

"She really has. She's taken over our bedroom with them" I rolled my eyes at Damon but otherwise just ignored him.

"How? I thought most of the spells witches did were the same?" Trevor dropped onto the sofa across from me whilst asking.

"Nope, well not usually, most spells are unique to the witch who cast them, apart from the spells that have been passed down through the generations. I have a lot of my own personal ones that look nothing like the one in my hand." I carried on flicking through my grimoire after finishing talking to Trevor, however it seems question time wasn't over.

"What's that necklace you have on?" Rose asked coming to sit beside Trevor.

"Witches talisman. My mum gave it to me. Most witches have one. Again each one being unique to each individual. Now if you'll excuse me I need to finish off a spell really quick" I stood up to leave the room just as the doorbell rang. I rushed off up the stairs before anyone could stop me and headed into Damon's room. I pulled out the two rings from my jewellery box, one being a mens silver ring with a scorpion crawling up the side with a Lapis Lazuli stone in the centre, the other was a women's plain silver ring with a Lapis lazuli stone in the centre. I was making daylight rings for Rose and Trevor. Placing them on the bed and letting the sun bathe them I quietly muttered my spell. Only a few moments later they were done. Snatching them off the bed I pulled out a pair of black ripped skinny jeans with a black vest top, pulling on my lace cardigan with bell sleeves and combat boots to finish the look. I made my way downstairs and into the living room, the rings tucked safely in my pocket.

"So your saying that the oldest vampire in the history of time is coming after me?" Elena asked as I dropped onto the sofa besides Trevor.

"Yes, and Jamie" Rose said as Stefan said "No".

"What they're saying is, I mean if what she is saying is true.." Damon started to get cut off by Rose.

"Which it is".

"And you're not just saying it, so I don't kill you".

"Which I'm not".

"Then we're looking at a solid maybe" Damon finished, me and Trevor were sniggering at the back and forth between Rose and Damon.

"Look Elijah's dead right, so no one else even knows that you exist" Stefan tried to reassure Elena. It was admirable but I could tell he wasn't helping.

"That you know of" I chimed in, earning a dirty look of Stefan.

"Angel, I love you, but that's not helping" I pouted at Damon before dissolving into a fit of giggles. "Angel I really need you to be serious right now because this also includes you" that statement sobered me up pretty quickly.

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