Chapter 2 - Season 3

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"Morning Angel" was the first thing I head waking up. I opened my eyes and saw Damon lay down beside me. I didn't bother answering him, I just moved a little closer and snuggled into him. Damon wrapped his arms around me and let me slowly wake up properly before talking to me again. "Elijah wants to take you on a trip. We both agreed it would do you some good to get away from here for a few days, so when you are up and ready you can go" I groaned a little before nodding. "And don't worry about packing, Caroline has already done that for you".

"I swear to god she better have packed shit that's appropriate" I grumbled making Damon laugh. He kissed the top of my head before I rolled over and climbed out of bed. "Where are we going anyway?".

"Chicago" Elijah said walking into the room, I smiled at him as he walked over and kissed my forehead.

"Okay, let me just shower and brush my teeth and we can be off" I rushed off to the bathroom as my soulmates left the room to leave me to it. I brushed my teeth and everything else I needed to do whilst waiting for the shower to heat up. When it was the perfect temperature I made sure to take my time with everything. After getting out I quickly moisturized before finally getting dressed. I'd chosen to go for something comfortable, so I had on a pair of grey joggers, my trainers and a vest top with a hoodie over it. Walking downstairs I met up with Elijah in the entry way of the boarding house.

"You ready to go?" I nodded before walking over to Damon and giving him several kisses, laughing as he tried to give me more as I pulled away.

"I will see you in a few days, I'll call you when we get there" I told Damon who in turn just nodded.

"Alright Angel. I love you" I smiled at him over my shoulder.

"I love you too Damon" I blew him a kiss as Elijah led me out of the house and to the car. We jumped in and started our journey; I had my phone hooked up to the car so we could listen to my music. The familiar chords of Need you now by Lady A came on and I closed my eyes and leaned my head back before I started singing along,

"Picture perfect memories scattered all around the floor,

Reaching for the phone cause I can't fight it anymore,

And I wonder if I ever cross your mind,

For me it happens all the time.."

I carried on singing as Elijah gently grabbed my hand, I hadn't noticed the tears that had escaped. I used to sing this with my mum all the time. I haven't sung or even listened to it since then.

"Your voice is beautiful" I looked over at Elijah, smiling at his compliment.

"Thank you. I used to sing this song with my mum. We were obsessed with it" Elijah just smiled and listened as I went back to singing. Teenage Dream by Katy Perry came on making me laugh slightly before I began singing the song to Elijah. Laughing at my enthusiasm to the song that is how the rest of our car journey went. Pulling into the hotel we were staying at I turned my music off and took Elijah's hand that he had offered to help me out of the car. I looked up in awe as we stood in front of one the most expensive hotels in Chicago. Elijah took my hand and lead us through the lobby, quickly getting us checked into the biggest suit they had which when I stepped into it looked more like an entire apartment and then some.

"So what do you think?" Elijah asked, I span around to look at him, still in amazement at this amazing building.

"It's stunning Elijah. Thank you from bringing me here" I finished my sentence and was quiet for a moment before I squealed and jumped on Elijah, kissing him deeply.

"You only deserve the best my love, now we have plenty to do, but for today we are going to relax here and then I'll be taking you out to dinner tonight. How does that sound?" I smiled at my soulmates thoughtfulness.

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