Chapter 14 - Season 2

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I groaned at the throbbing in my head as I woke up the next morning, I had a fair bit to drink last night after Elijah information bombed me. I slowly sat up and took in my surroundings when Elena appeared in the doorway. She didn't say anything except jerk her head towards the stairs. Nodding a climbed out of bed and quickly got myself dressed. I picked my shoes up and carried them down the stairs with me where Elijah was waiting with a cup of coffee for me in his hand. None of us said anything as we made our way out to my car. Elijah slid into the passenger seat as Elena slid into the back.

"Right fuckers, where am I going?" I was always cranky in the morning, no one usually spoke to me unless I had been up for at least half an hour.

"The Lockwood's please darling" Elijah leaned over and kissed my cheek after giving me my destination. I drove in silence because honestly I had no desire to talk to Elena after last night. As we pulled up into the driveway of the Lockwood mansion Elena's phone rang, as did mine. I pulled mine out and checked the caller I.D rolling my eyes and showing Elijah when Damon's picture displayed.

"Hello, my love" I giggled slightly as I heard Stefan in the background.

"Hey Angel, just to let you and Elijah know, Stefan is freaking out. I'm pretty sure he's going to ask Bonnie to do a locator spell so you may want to cloak yourself and Elijah" I hummed at Damon's idea.

"Thank you lovely. We shouldn't be too long; Elena is a woman on a mission though, so you never know. I love you".

"I love you too" the line went dead after that. Elena handed her phone to Elijah and furrowed her brows when he didn't ask for mine.

"Klaus is here" Elena spoke from the backseat. Me and Elijah looked at each other before climbing out the car, I quickly cloaked us all as Elena joined us and we walked up to the front door as Carol was coming out. Elijah quickly compelled her to let us stay whilst she was out and then she went on her way.

"I know Klaus is here. My darling and Damon told me everything last night. What of Katerina? She would have been released from the tomb" that was the only thing we couldn't tell him because truthfully we didn't know where she was or what happened to her.

"Klaus has her. We think she may be dead" I widened my eyes a little at Elena's bluntness but shrugged my shoulders, nonetheless.

"Oh I doubt that. Not Klaus's style. Death would be far too easy for her after what she did" that is when I decided to zone out, honestly I had heard all of this last night, including how the sun and the moon curse was fake. I was blissfully in my own world when my phone rang.

"Stefan?" I asked, confused as to why he was ringing me.

"Look Jamie, I know you don't owe me anything. Especially after how we've all treated you, but I need you to come with me to Jenna's. Klaus is targeting her".

"Say no more Stefan I am on my way" I jumped up and gave Elijah a quick kiss with a quick quiet explanation so Elena couldn't hear.

"Be careful darling. He cant do anything to you whilst he's in that human body but stay on your guard" I nodded before rushing out the door, jumping in my car and speeding to Jenna's. When I pulled up and jumped out the car Stefan was waiting for me. We knocked on the door and when Jenna answered I took note of the look on her face.

"Hey Jenna, thank you so much for not going to The Grill" Stefan said as she moved aside to let us in the house.

"Um Stefan..." Jenna glanced behind her, and I followed her line of sight, my eyes narrowed when I saw Klaus/Ric come around the corner.

"Hi Stefan, Jamie. How's it going?" I look over at Stefan before looking back at Klaus/Ric.

"Alright Ric. How've you been?" I asked as I moved towards him, staring him down with every step I took. I got ignored as Klaus/Ric moved into the kitchen and started chopping up the vegetables for a salad.

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