Chapter 6 - Season 2

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The morning after I was standing in Elena's kitchen whilst the Salvatore brothers explained to Elena about how they had been to see Katherine. The conversation with Katherine had been rather boring as we had gone to get the moonstone and as expected Katherine was willing to hand it over if we got her free.

"We went to see Katherine" Stefan blurted out. Stefan explained to Elena what Katherine had said, I listened to him recount the conversation like I hadn't just been there.

"You don't believe her do you?" Elena asked.

"No, of course not, we just want the moonstone" Damon replied. I rolled my eyes already done with the sacrifice shit.

"According to Rose's friend Slater there is a way to destroy the spell that Klaus wants to break" Stefan said. I scoffed; I had already told them that this was impossible.

"No spell, no doppelganger sacrifice. Ergo you live and Stefan isn't heartbroken" Damon said simply. He threw his arm around my shoulder and flashed Elena a smile.

"How do you destroy it?" Elena asked, looking directly at me.

"You can't" I said just as Stefan said, "by releasing it from the moonstone". Choosing to ignore me Elena spoke to the brothers.

"How do you guys know this is going to work?" I threw my hands in the air before walking away.

"Where are you going?" Damon shouted at me.

"Back home. You fuckers clearly don't want to listen to me" I snapped. On my walk home from Elena's I thought about how everyone was ignoring me, choosing to listen to Bonnie who hadn't been doing magic as long. It wasn't that I was jealous, it just really pissed me off. A spell that old isn't something that can just be destroyed. The only way to release it was by doing the spell. Sighing I looked up and realised I made it home. I didn't even speak to Rose and Trevor as I walked in and went straight to Damon's room.

"What's wrong little witch?" Trevor asked flopping down beside me on the bed where I was sitting with my back against the headboard.

"No one wants to listen to me. I've been doing magic far longer than Bonnie but it's like no one cares. What they are trying to do is impossible" I looked down at my hands as my eyes filled up with tears.

"Then leave them to it. If they don't want to listen to me, stop advising them. Let them figure it out on their own" Trevor looked over at me, I tried to give him a smile but all that did was make the tears worse before they inevitably fell down my face. That was the moment Damon walked into our room.

"Angel? I'm sorry for not listening to you. If you say it wont work then okay, I believe you. But I have to try for Stefan's sake" Damon came and crouched beside me, gently taking my hand in his and pressing a kiss to my knuckles.

"I get it, I do." I said quietly. "That isn't what hurt the most, it's that you seemed to doubt what I was telling you" I got up and moved over to my grimoires, lightly running my finger over the spines before pulling out the one I need. "Let me check, I'll see what my ancestors say and I will get back to you" Damon nodded before gesturing for Trevor to follow him downstairs whilst I was left in peace to do my spell. Setting up my candles in a pentacle shape, I sat down in the middle of it. Lighting the candles with my magic I started muttering my spell to help me contact my ancestors.

In the ancestral plane.

"Hey mama, hello everyone" I greeted as I opened my eyes. My mum rushed forward and held me.

"We know the answers you seek child. The spell cannot be destroyed. You need to stay away from this" one of my ancestors warned, I tilted my head in confusion.

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