Chapter 1

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Jamie P.O.V

Looking around my new apartment I let out a loud sigh. I had finally done it; I had moved all the way from Scotland to the small town of Mystic Falls. After my parents death I needed a new start away from all of the memories that plagued it. I need new memories, so with this in mind I headed out towards the Mystic Grill because the only way to make new memories is with friends. Whilst walking I take note of my new surroundings, my apartment overlooked the town square, which was surrounded by small shops and the very place I was looking for, the Mystic Grill. Realising I've made it to my destination I push the door open and step inside.

"Jesus Christ" I mutter under my breath. The place was packed with people of varying ages but mainly teenagers. If I had known there was a party going on I would have stayed at home. Resigning to my fate I headed to the bar and slipped into one of the empty bar stools. "Can I have a bourbon, neat please" I asked the bar tender politely, flashing him a small smile as he nodded and moved to make my drink of choice. As he placed the drink in front of me I handed him a twenty-dollar bill, "keep the change" the bartender muttered a quiet thanks to me and moved onto the next customer. As I'm sat sipping my drink I feel someone slip onto the barstool beside me, followed by a burning pain in one of my soul marks.

You see, every supernatural creature has a soul mark, I however have thee. A raven on my wrist, a wolf on my ribs and a stag on my collar bone. I have no idea why I have three, but I had accepted it a long time ago. I look down at the raven and sigh before looking to the person at the side of me. As I slowly raised my eyes I took note of the dark jeans, dark shirt and leather jacket, followed by a very strong jaw and defined cheekbones, but what really took my breath away was those eyes. Two piercing icy blue eyes stared back at me in wonder and mischief.

"Hey, I'm Damon" The raven-haired man introduced, his voice so smooth I could listen to it forever. I placed my hand in his outstretched one.

"I'm Jamie-Leigh Stewart" I responded gently with a soft smile, shaking his hand.

"Soulmates huh? I honestly didn't think I would find you" Damon said flashing his soul mark, which was a pentacle, sitting neatly on his wrist.

"Why?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"Because I've been alive a long time and haven't come across you yet" Damon responded with a shrug. "Where are you from?" he asked.

"Scotland" I replied before taking a sip of my drink.

"How did you end up in this bore of a town?" Damon asked turning to face me fully.

"My parents died. My dad first and then my mum not so long after. I had no one left and didn't want to stay in a place plagued with so many bad memories so I moved. Can I ask you a question?" I inquired softly, when Damon nodded his head I continued, "as we are both aware, only the supernatural get soul marks, so what are you?". Damon got a cheeky smirk as he leaned in close, once his mouth was next to my ear he spoke.

"Vampire. What about you?" He asked leaning back slightly.

"I am a witch. An immortal one at that" I replied with a slightly bitter tone.

"What do you mean an immortal one?" Damon asked, curiosity lighting up his features.

"Exactly that. I come from a very old and very powerful line of witches. My mother was dying, and she didn't want me to die without knowing my soulmates. So she cast a spell to make me immortal. Ultimately its what killed her, the power of the spell drained her so much that her body gave out just after she had finished casting her spell" I said looking down at my drink. I didn't like to think about my mother if I'm honest. I was always closer to my mum; I loved my dad, but my mum was my best friend. Now that she's gone I feel like I am missing a piece of my soul.

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