Chapter 187: 2nd Grade (1)

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"Our cutie was appointed as the recommended student, right? So, are you going to become a teaching assistant right away?"


Although I am only a second-year student, I have been appointed as a teaching assistant as a recommended student to assist Professor Elena. I just found out now, but even non-majors take a course called 'Culture' starting from the second year. For non-majors, the first year is just an adaptation process. Moreover, non-majors are classified as knights and wizards for different classes, but they all take history together.

However, because literature and martial arts students study differently, they are divided by class time. So, I will simply follow the professor around and assist as a teaching assistant.

"I might know about being a teaching assistant for martial arts majors, but I'm not sure about literature students."

"It's not a big deal. I just handle the professor's tasks and help with discussions, that's all."

"Have you seen other teaching assistants besides you?"


Come to think of it, Professor Elena has assistants like Cindy, but I've never seen any teaching assistants. It's quite distinct from other history professors who usually have two or three assistants. Even if history is not a popular subject, there should be at least one or two assistants, but I've never encountered them so far.

I wonder what the reason is. As I pondered, I shrugged my shoulders. It's okay to be alone, and I do like history as a subject and have confidence in it.

"No, there aren't any. I've visited the Professor's office frequently, but I've never met one."

"Really? Hmmm... Well, it probably doesn't matter. Are you going to keep your hair as it is and go?"

While staying in Helium, Mora was very generous in imbuing me with a lot of "kind" divinity. Thanks to that, my hair, which at first had grown to my shoulders, went down all the way down to my waist. I was horrified.

Even so, I strongly protested that it shouldn't go all the way to my waist, but it didn't even budge. Cutting it was meaningless, as it would grow back again.

Thanks to this, every morning after getting up, I would wash and then gently comb each other's hair with Cecily. It wasn't all that bad, as it was a somewhat refreshing experience.

(TL: Holy shit Mora made Cale out of him XD)

Managing it was incredibly annoying, though. The fact that I would have to manage this damn hair on my own from now on already gave me a headache.

"Probably. Since it grows back even if you cut it."

"Is it not some kind of illness? Have you been to the temple?"

Adelia, who didn't really know the situation, asked with a worried look in her eyes. Maybe I could tell her about the blessing Mora had given me.

As I looked at her reaction, I eventually let out a bitter smile and confessed.

"Well... actually, it's been like this since I went to the temple."

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"When I was staying in Helium, I went to the temple for a short while. It's been like this since then."

As I explained, a stronger sense of doubt filled Adelia's vivid, sky-colored eyes.

Indeed, it's hard to understand that going to a temple would make your hair longer. Usually, temples are places for clergy or patients to go.

However, I learned something while visiting the temple of Luminous and Mora. The fact that these two are very human-like. Especially Mora, who had a higher levels of energy than Luminous and was a bit of a prankster.

How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World[part1]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang