Chapter 83: Relax (2)

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Although Xenon's Biography declared a hiatus, causing disappointment to many, a new book called "Kair's Side Story" was released as if to mock the situation.

As the name suggests, "Kair's Side Story" depicts the life of a character named Kair, and many readers purchased the book with high expectations and curiosity.

If it were someone else's book, readers might have lost interest quickly, but it was the work of Xenon's Biography author. Therefore, even as a side story, there was great anticipation for it.

Although it was not the main story, if it could alleviate the emptiness during the long hiatus period, it was enough as a side story.

[The identity of Kair is revealed in the last scene. Do not spoil the ending under any circumstances.]

[Although it is a side story, the book has a deep connection with the main story of Xenon's Biography. If you are a fan, you must read it.]

[It is not a simple side story as it seems.]

Furthermore, the reactions of readers who read the side story were intense. As the review above states, it was not just a simple side story, but it transformed into a book that readers must purchase to understand the main story.

Because Kair was actually Xenon's master, and the prequel contained a story about the master's past. It delved into the background of the master's birth and growth, the hardships and adversities he overcame, and the relationships he encountered along the way.

It also revealed how he met the woman who would later become the Elven Queen, and why, ultimately, he fell in love with her. The novel managed to weave a sweet love story between humans and elves, which many thought was impossible, and Kair's silent monologue was enough to touch readers' hearts.

-How nice it would be if I could see her sunshine-like smile just one more time.

As mentioned before, regardless of race, if one can handle mana at an advanced level or higher, the aging process is slower. This is why elves and demons live long lives, while humans and beastmen have shorter ones.

Knowing this, Kair trained himself like a blacksmith hammering a piece of iron in a flame, in order to extend his short lifespan and see the smile of his beloved woman, Elisha, who would one day become the queen of the elves.

During this process, he met the person who would later be in charge of 'envy' and taught him, and finally, he met Xenon to finish the side story neatly.

[A story that is more sympathetic because it is realistic. Could his efforts have been meaningless?]

[Elisha knows Kair's sincerity better than anyone else. But that's why it was hard to accept.]

So far, quite a few readers have criticized the love story between an elf and a human being as too absurd, but when Kair's sincerity was revealed in the side story, the evaluation turned around 180 degrees.

From a realistically impossible story to a story that could happen in reality.

Despite the difference in lifespan, he sharpens himself to see the smile of the person he loves. It was an almost impossible story, and thus, it could only be felt more painfully.

When the relationship between Kair and Elisha was revealed in the main story, it seemed somewhat abrupt, but it was clearly resolved in the side story.

[I wonder what will happen to their story. Will it end in happiness or tragedy?]

[The signs of an unhappy ending had already been shown, but the readers still wanted a happy ending.]

[If Kair dies, Elisha will suffer too.]

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