Chapter 63: Before the Storm (1)

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As Xenon's Biography came to light, who benefited the most? Most people would probably choose demons.

Simply, a single book has turned the fate of an entire race upside down, and as demons began to act in earnest, even the world's situation began to fluctuate. The demons have been taking a somewhat coercive and closed stance, but now that they have started to move, it is inevitable that other countries will be affected.

Demons have strong individual power and outstanding magical abilities comparable to those of elves. However, their magic is powered by a sinister energy called "black mana," which elves despise and makes them very reluctant to get involved with demons.

Anyway, it is true that demons have benefited greatly from Xenon's Biography. To the extent that if you ask any passerby, they will give you the same answer, it is becoming common sense.

However, if we delve deeper, we can see that there is a true winner.

It is true that the perception of demons has changed through Xenon's Biography, but fundamentally, such a thing could never have happened if it had not become popular worldwide.

In other words, as Xenon's Biography became popular worldwide, the profits were staggering.

However, since Xenon's Biography is still spreading and becoming popular worldwide, a proper accounting has not been done. But most people are not paying much attention to the profits of Xenon's Biography, focusing more on the book itself.

And those profits are sure to have a significant impact on the publisher that signed the rights to Xenon's Biography. In fact, the first publisher to publish Xenon's Biography grew in size like a flood through the enormous profits.

"Hmm~ Hm-hmm~"

In a room similar to an office, filled with various luxury items, a middle-aged man sat at his desk, humming and writing something in his notebook. His mouth was turned up, indicating that he was in a very good mood.

'I made the right decision to introduce the technology at an expensive cost. I've already paid it all back.'

The identity of the notebook he was writing with his pen was a ledger. Not just any ordinary ledger, but a ledger that the man manages and is closely related to his company and his social circle.

If it were an ordinary ledger, another employee would be managing it, but because a man seemingly of high rank manages it, the purpose of the ledger had to be special.

It is a ledger that manages funds given by nobles, or money that could be called bribes. If it were an ordinary company, it would be different, but as much as the man is receiving bribes from the nobles, the company he manages is very unique.

Because the company he manages is a publishing company, and it was the publisher that first published Xenon's Biography.

The reason he receives bribes from the nobles is that when a new volume is published, they ask him to give it to them first, or they ask him to let them know who the author is.

'You can't split the belly of a goose that lays the golden egg.'

Surprisingly, the man knows the true identity of Xenon's Biography. More precisely, he has mistaken him for Hawk, not Isaac. It's understandable because he personally brought the manuscript of the first volume to the publisher. However, when Xenon's Biography became a big hit, he began to hide his identity and started hiring messengers.

After that, people from all walks of life came to the publisher and asked for the author, and some even threatened him. It was very difficult for the publisher, but he gathered the courage to overcome it.

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