Chapter 188: 2nd Grade (2)

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In the second year, just like in the first year, students aim to take various classes to avoid failing and repeating a year. There isn't much difference from the first year, but if there's any distinction, it's probably the change of professors.

However, even among the professors, there are those who change and those who remain the same. From the third year onwards, students become teaching assistants, helping professors or providing significant assistance in classes. At this point, they've essentially chosen their career path, so they're treated almost like half-graduate students rather than mere teaching assistants.

Even if they haven't decided on a career path, there's a process to obtain a graduation certificate, so there's no issue. In fact, there are fewer cases of students deciding on a career path in advance than one might think, which is why only about half of the literature students become teaching assistants from their third year.

Anyway, I planned to follow Professor Elena and assist her or directly participate in classes in the future. As mentioned before, history is a general education class that even non-literature students attend.

Unlike literature students, there are far more non-literature students, and their classes are also divided into several groups. According to Adelia's explanation, when she first entered, there were only three groups.

But now, there were over five groups. Surprisingly, more than half of them were commoners, and the number of nobles was unexpectedly low.

This basically means that within less than 10 years, Minerva Empire's talent recruitment ability has been elevated, and the system has been well established. The admission process is not based on relative evaluation but absolute evaluation, so the numbers can only increase over time.

As a result, there's a need for faculty to teach non-literature students, so they are currently hiring skilled individuals from various backgrounds. By the way, among them was my father as well, but he politely declined due to being busy with territorial matters.

"Perhaps this year will be very busy. There are about 350 new students. Among them, 150 are liberal arts students."


I visited Elena's research lab on the day of the academy's reopening. While organizing materials, I couldn't help but be surprised by the story Elena brought up. Last year, there were only 200 new students and 50 literature students. However, something happened in the meantime that caused the number of liberal arts students to triple.

Truly an explosive growth. As mentioned just now, the entrance exam is an absolute evaluation, so an increase in new students was a natural occurrence, but it was too much.

"Isn't this increase a bit too much?"

"I thought it was strange at first too, but if you look closely, it's a phenomenon that makes sense."

"It makes sense?"


Elena nodded her head and began to present a somewhat absurd hypothesis as I listened in disbelief.

"Do you know when Volume 1 of Xenon's Biography was published?"

"Probably... about a year and six months ago?"

Since I was 16 years old when Volume 1 was published, it's probably roughly correct. The significant surge in popularity started from Volume 5, but it had some popularity before that.

"But why bring up Xenon's Biography? Are you suggesting that this might be because of that?"

"It could be?"

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