Chapter 121: Book 11 (2)

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Marie Hausen Requilis, daughter of Duke Requilis, was recently enjoying happy days. Thanks to her diligent studies, she received good grades at the academy and had hardly any stress to deal with.

Despite experiencing various incidents and accidents this year, she was able to overcome them wisely, and most importantly, her relationship with Rina, which could be considered a bad fate, had progressed much more than before.

Following Isaac's advice, the two had a conversation, and Rina apologized sincerely, bowing her head, and their relationship became a little closer. Of course, Marie did not forget to apologize to Rina, acknowledging her own mistakes.

Now that her twisted fate with Rina had been resolved, there was only one thing left: her relationship with her boyfriend, Isaac.

Isaac was the author of Xenon's Biography, a series of books that had many people on edge, eager to know his true identity. Of course, those around them knew who Isaac was, but the fact that he was Marie's boyfriend was even more important. And not just an ordinary relationship, but one that included nights spent together.

Since their first night together, they had been engaging in a full-blown sexual relationship, making the most of their time together, especially since Isaac had recently been appointed as a recommended student by Professor Elena, giving him more free time.

Marie had no reason to be unhappy when she was stressed with schoolwork because Isaac took care of her physically and emotionally. They were so happy that sometimes it felt like a dream.

Above all, Marie was pleased with the recent changes in Isaac. Walking down the street, she called out to him as they stood side by side.



At Marie's call, Isaac turned his head to look at her. During the past three months, Marie had slowly peeled away Isaac's changed appearance, which had changed too much despite his initial cute and innocent penguin-like looks that stirred protective instincts. Now his eyes were sharper, his cheeks less full, and he had slimmed down noticeably.

But that wasn't all. Like a proof of the old saying that boys grow later than girls, he had grown several inches taller in just the last few months. From barely clearing 170cm, he was now easily surpassing 180cm, and his father's genes had started to manifest, widening his shoulders.

Marie had heard that he had to change his school uniform every two weeks because of how suddenly he had grown.

But there was something even more important to Marie.

"You called?"


As soon as Isaac opened his mouth, Marie's expression showed she was entranced by his sweet, almost whispering voice. While his body had grown noticeably, what Marie liked most about him was his voice.

Before, he had a boyish, thin voice, but now it had deepened to a sweet tone that seemed to drip like honey. A beautiful voice that would make her swoon if he whispered in her ear.

A man's attractive voice is already enough to win a woman's favor, but Isaac had a unique appearance to match.

He's a top star who dominates the world with his flawless appearance and perfect voice. Marie didn't believe such a man could exist, but it didn't take long for her to realize that he was her boyfriend.

She grabbed Isaac's arm tightly, feeling a thrilling excitement. Before growing up, it felt like she was sticking to him, but now it was like hanging due to the height difference.

"Isaac. Isaac."

"Yeah, Marie."


What kind of good deeds did she have to do in her previous life to meet such a perfect man? She smiled bashfully and snuggled her face against Isaac's arm.

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