Chapter 128: Hidden Sincerity (2)

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Adelia has been a friend to Nicole since their freshman year. Friends can become so close that they are considered a new family, and that was true for Nicole and Adelia. They first met at a freshman welcome party, which was also the event which Isaac had experienced a few months prior.

At that time, Nicole wholeheartedly believed in Bryce's words and dressed up in a glamorous dress, which naturally attracted all sorts of attention.

With her dark blue hair reminiscent of an evening sky and rare golden eyes, Nicole possessed a striking appearance. She was considerably tall for a girl and had a well-maintained figure, likely the result of rigorous training from her family.

Nicole, exuding a mysterious aura and resembling a strong warrior, captivated many from the freshman event onwards. Even Nicole herself was taken aback by the unexpected attention, and there were even instances where some guys made advances.

However, the person who caught Nicole's attention the most was Adelia, who stood alone in a secluded corner.

Adelia, being a commoner, couldn't afford a dress and was wearing the school uniform alone. There was no obligation for her to attend, but if she was going to wear the uniform, it would have been better for her not to come at all. Moreover, Adelia's noticeable beauty as a commoner attracted Nicole's interest.

From that moment on, Nicole and Adelia's bond began. While their other classmates were all graduating, Adelia and Nicole remained as Martial Arts instructors assistants, teaching their juniors and waiting for an opportunity to be scouted by the knights' order.

In this regard, Nicole had the chance to closely observe Adelia's personality and true intentions. Knowing that sometimes Adelia played mean pranks just to grab attention, Nicole usually overlooked them. But this time, it couldn't be ignored. It was not only deeply connected to Nicole's own sibling but could also potentially affect their family.

Up until now, Nicole had let Adelia do as she pleased, flowing with the current regardless of her adventures. However, this matter turned out to be more serious than anticipated.


"... ..."

Leaving Isaac behind and moving to a secluded corner of the training ground, Nicole and Adelia stood facing each other. Nicole crossed her arms, her expression complex and subtle, while Adelia lowered her head as if burdened with guilt. Her hands fidgeted nervously, showing signs of anxiety.

Her face was obscured by the curtain-like bangs, making it difficult to discern her expression. This deeply troubled Nicole as she gazed at Adelia, who only looked down at the ground without a word.

If Adelia truly had romantic feelings for Isaac, rather than seeing him as a little brother... the situation would become complicated. And not just a little.

Isaac is currently in a formal relationship with Marie, the only daughter of the Duke of Minerva Empire. Moreover, their engagement has already been finalized, having taken place on their mansion night.

'Recently, even the Demon Princess seemed unusual...'

Not only that, but his relationship with the Princess of Helium, Cecily, also appeared suspicious. From the visit to the mansion during the exhibition to the fact that she always seemed to be close to Isaac, it was impossible to dispel the doubts.

Nicole didn't know that Isaac had accepted Cecily as his lover, but being perceptive, she could make some educated guesses. And if Cecily truly saw through Isaac's true identity, it would be a story that made perfect sense and could be easily overlooked.

However, the same couldn't be said for Adelia. Although she possessed exceptional beauty, she lacked something compared to the other two, and above all, the difference in social status was clear.

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