Chapter 62: Fan Letter (1)

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After all the lectures ended, I immediately returned to my dorm, ignoring everything else. I didn't have any plans with Marie today, so I was able to head straight to my lodging.

After a while, I returned to my dorm and took out the letter that I had hidden between my notes. As everyone knows, it's the letter that Cecily handed to me during class today.

Cecily whispered to me that it contained her sincere feelings towards the benefactor. She tried to pass it off as nothing, but it's clear that the letter is meant for me.

'Is this something like a love letter? Or is it something else?'

I scrutinized the letter envelope carefully.

At first glance, it looked like an ordinary envelope. However, the contents inside were quite thick. It's safe to say that the letter contains at least three pages.

Since she said that it contains her sincere feelings towards the benefactor, I can consider it as something similar to a love letter. I've never received a love letter myself because of my hidden identity, so my feelings were even more complex.

What did Cecily write in this letter? I checked the envelope back and forth and then sat up straight. It's more appropriate to read it slowly while sitting at the desk instead of lying in bed. Cecily must have written it with all her heart, so I should also read it with sincerity.

And after I finish reading it, I plan to write back right away. After all, I have plenty of free time now that I have finished writing all of the tenth volume of the manuscript.


I carefully tore open the top of the letter envelope, which was on the desk with all the preparations done. As I looked inside, the letter was neatly folded, just as I expected.

With a mixture of anticipation and worry, I slowly unfolded the contents. The paper consisted of a total of three pages, and as soon as I opened the pages, I could see the graceful handwriting.

[Hello. This is Princess Cecily Drat Eisilia Bin of Helium. You probably already know, but I'm honored to be able to convey my heart to the benefactor of demons, Isaac the Author.]

From the first line, I could feel an unusual energy. The title "author" aside, the words "benefactor of demons" caught my attention.

"Benefactor" is not a common phrase, either in my past life or in this world, but because I have read many books, I know what it means.

-To deeply admire and respect, or to devote one's heart in admiration.

So Cecily's message implies that she has a rational fondness for me, in other words, she has developed feelings of affection for me. It feels a bit out of the blue and surprising.

After Cecily first spoke to me, she treated me warmly and even played some mischievous pranks, but it was more like behavior towards a close sibling. I could understand it since I had also gone along to her and helped alleviate some of her worries.

I carefully read the first sentence once or twice to confirm whether the words were what I knew them to be. Although we use a common language in this world, there are words that have different meanings among different races scattered throughout.

However, I couldn't find anything by focusing on the first sentence. It would be better to set aside any doubts and read the following contents slowly.

[First of all, before expressing my feelings, I would like to apologize for the incident I caused a few days ago. I made a mistake because I got too excited during the meeting with the person I have always admired, Benefactor. Regardless of what kind of emotions the Benefactor felt at that time, the fact remains that I was rude. I will apologize again.]

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