Chapter 139: In Alvenheim (4)

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If we were to choose the most beautiful city in the world, regardless of what anyone says, it would be "Yggdrasil," the capital of Alvenheim and the pride of the elves.

With various descriptions such as a land flowing with milk and honey, the cradle of the first civilization, the city of gods, and the benchmark of the world, Yggdrasil is a source of pride and dignity for the elves.

Three thousand years ago, during the war with the devils, the gods personally handed over the seed of the "World Tree," which has been nurtured and protected until now, growing into a gigantic tree and becoming a symbol.

As it is a tree that grew from a seed bestowed directly by the gods, it possesses various abilities. First and foremost is its power to purify evil mana. Despite the chaos that engulfed the world during the devil war, Alvenheim remained unharmed thanks to this purifying ability.

Merely coming into contact with the mana caused the devils' bones and flesh to wither away, and even the elves were able to borrow this mana and successfully eliminate them.

The second ability is healing. If the World Tree's magic power represents a kind of divine power, the dew of the World Tree possesses tremendous healing properties. It is one of the important ingredients of the "Elixir," which is said to even revive someone on the verge of death, and its rarity makes it invaluable, with only the administrators knowing when and where it will fall.

Lastly, it lies within the World Tree itself. The World Tree is considered the most sacred gift by the elves and is also used as a temple. However, it is not an ordinary temple, in human terms, one must be at the level of a Pope or a Cardinal to enter.

Even the queen cannot enter freely, which demonstrates the reverence it commands. Although humans also have the Holy Kingdom Xavier, they are making great efforts to set foot in the World Tree.

Like this, the World Tree is not only a symbol of the elves but also their pride and a precious treasure to the humans. Moreover, it serves as their last line of defense as elves can draw strength from it in times of crisis.

"That's a real tree, right?"

"That's right."

"Are you ignoring the perspective?"

After going through the immigration inspection, we arrived at Yggdrasil. I couldn't help but be amazed, like Marie, who was standing beside me with her mouth wide open. The view before us was beyond words, even the expression "breathtaking" falls short of describing its beauty.

Various buildings lined the wide road, which was pretty, but compared to the colossal tree standing at the end of the narrowing path, it was far from sufficient. The city and nature were separated yet harmonized, creating a scene that resembled a painting.

No, even a painting couldn't capture this spectacle. The World Tree seamlessly blended with the city, showcasing the beauty of nature without a hint of awkwardness.

The sight of civilization and the vastness of nature merging into one surpassed freshness for me.

"You must have noticed, but the tree over there is the World Tree. It grew from the seed the elves received from the gods 3,000 years ago. The fact that the elves were chosen by the gods is not without reason."

While I was admiring the scenic view of the city, Rina explained the history of the World Tree to me. I already had knowledge of it due to my familiarity with history, but hearing the explanation while seeing it firsthand made it feel new.

I was amazed by the majesty of the World Tree, which had steadfastly stood in its place for 3,000 years. It made me realize once again the existence of this world's gods. Unless it was a god, it would be impossible to create a seed like the World Tree's.

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