Chapter 55: Confession (2)

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Princess of the Minerva Empire, Rina's academy life was surprisingly normal. She had expected to encounter only tiresome tasks before her enrollment.

By "tiresome things", she meant the "flies" swarming to her, just like her brother, crown prince Leort, has been always experiencing. This could be seen from the moment when Sophia, a young lady, clung to her even before the start of her first lecture, and when Jackson recklessly approached her.

However, contrary to her expectations, such situations rarely occurred. That was due to Helium's princess and her newly made friend, Cecily, she had made on the first day of enrollment.

She displayed exceptional behavior from the entrance ceremony and attracted the attention of many. Moreover, she exuded elegance with her beautiful appearance and seductive atmosphere.

Cecily's reputation had already spread throughout the Halo Academy. Because of this, there were no small number of people who came to see her face, but even that ended up being fruitless.

Just as Cecily was by Rina's side, Rina was always next to Cecily. Unless one had a significant amount of courage, there was no one who dared to approach the two.

Thanks to that, she was able to enjoy a relatively calm academy life. She had new friends, and there were things to enjoy that she couldn't do in the palace, so every day was enjoyable for her.

Above all, there was an unexpected harvest. While having a conversation with Cecily about the correct answer, Rina asked her a question that had been on her mind for a while.

"Cecily, may I ask you a question?"

"Sure, ask me anything. I always welcome Rina's questions."

At Cecily's agreement to Rina's request, Rina asked the question she had been wanting to ask without any hesitation, shedding her mask.

"Are you also looking for the author of Xenon's Biography?"

"Xenon's Biography?"

Upon hearing Rina's question, Cecily widened her eyes and replied. In response, Rina nodded her head and asked the question she wanted to ask.

"Yeah. I'm sure you're looking for him in Helium, too."

The reason for asking this question was simple. Although she couldn't say it directly, Rina hoped that it would be at least a little helpful to Cecily.

As Rina got closer to Cecily, she realized one thing. She wasn't sure if it was just Cecily, but the demons considered the author of Xenon's Biography to be not just a benefactor, but a savior.

As creatures who were forcibly cut off from the world and had to live in hiding in darkness, it was only natural to treat him as a savior. So the demons would also be eager to find the author of Xenon's Biography, and they would be very restless about it.

And Rina, she knew exactly who the author of Xenon's Biography was. Strictly speaking, he could be considered a "co-author".

'It must have been written by Isaac based on the story the Red Lion told him. Otherwise, he wouldn't have such a callus on his middle finger.'

The crown prince, Leort, confirmed Hawk, known as the Red Lion, as the author of Xenon's Biography. But I thought differently.

Could a knight who had only trained in martial arts all his life have enough talent to write such a work? For Rina it seemed like too much of a stretch.

So she expected that the Red Lion gave Isaac a rough outline, and he would then ghostwrite it before publishing it.

While Rina was making such a conjecture in her mind, Cecily, who heard her question, blinked her eyes and soon smiled.

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