Chapter 96: Strange Relationship (2)

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I briefly felt a chill at the back of my neck, but there was never a moment when I lost touch with Arwen during our conversation. Although I tried to act like an adult, I found Arwen's occasional childish complaints endearing, and Arwen seemed to have a favorable opinion of me in her own way.

Later, I found out that Arwen was also a bookworm who loved books very much. As an ancient elf, she knew much more than I did about a variety of subjects. They say that adult elves are like walking libraries, and I realized that this was no exaggeration. She not only answered all of my questions in detail, but also provided additional explanations that left me amazed.

However, that wasn't the end of it. Arwen showed me how wide the gap between elves and humans really was.

"Hmm... I didn't know this book would be here. It's been 80 years since it was published."

"80... 80 years? Has it been that long?"

"It was a famous book among our elves. I believe it's also kept in our sanctuary."

Arwen had read books that had been out of print for years, and even remembered them in great detail. She had lived almost ten times longer than me, and her knowledge and experience were far beyond my comprehension. Even finding a book that had been published more than 20 years ago was a difficult task, as they were rarely published or circulated. Even in a library, it was hard to find them in obscure corners.

As a result, unless it's a book that has become a worldwide hit like Xenon's Biography, it requires a complicated process to purchase even a single copy.

However, Arwen not only read the book thoroughly when it was first published but also remembers everything about it. Thanks to her, I looked at Arwen with new respect. I had been using informal language with her because of her childish behavior, but now I thought I should start using polite language with her.

"Well, there's no need to change your speech for me. Wouldn't it be more comfortable for you to do that?"

"...Yes, it would be. But it's still amazing,"

"From a human perspective, that may be true. But for us elves, it's just natural. Whether it's our sanctuary or our powerful army. It's not a big deal to remember some stories in a book."

Indeed, the peculiar traits of the elves never go away. Arwen expressed her pride, tilting her nose up, as I genuinely admired her.

However, this pride and self-confidence were not arrogance, as these two qualities only arise as true meanings when they harm others or oneself. In Arwen's case, it was closer to pure pride.

Of course, she looked like a cute girl, so it seemed like a child was joking around. She was undoubtedly much older than me, but her childish behavior made her look like an immature child.

As if telling me to envy her, I poked a fact while watching Arwen, who was still fluttering about.

"Those elves suffered a great humiliation in the racial war 500 years ago, didn't they?"

Arwen remained silent in response.

As I hit her with a fact based on historical truth, Arwen's smile shattered like glass. Elves have a tradition of valuing history, and to them, the racial war was the ultimate disgrace. However, history is something they must learn.

"... Our ancestors were foolish."

Arwen turned her head slightly and muttered timidly, but it seemed that the concept was firmly planted in her mind as she didn't deny it. I chuckled at her reaction, and then brought up a positive topic to lighten the mood. If I only spoke ill of the elves, Arwen might come to dislike me.

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