Chapter 170: Forbidden Magic (1)

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"Forbidden Magic? Are you talking about Necromancy?"

Arwen responded with a puzzled expression to the term 'forbidden magic' that Fieren mentioned. In the world, there are various types of magic, and among them, some are so dreadful that their use is prohibited. One of the most prominent examples is 'Necromancy.' Necromancy is a form of magic that resurrects the deceased as 'undead,' and in the past, devils mainly favored it during the Devil War.

Especially, the higher the proficiency in Necromancy, the stronger the abilities of the resurrected undead, and it can also inflict significant psychological pressure. Moreover, the undead, by their very nature, can engage in an endless battle, while the opponent's strength diminishes over time, whereas the undead's power keeps increasing.

Fortunately, through the existence of 'Divine Power' and the 'World Tree,' they managed to repel the undead with great effort, but remnants of their existence still linger in this world. The most significant example would be the Demons.

Demons possess the 'Black Mana,' enabling them to use Necromancy. However, due to the great harm they suffered from demons, they strictly forbid Necromancy, even though they might possess the ability to use it.

Recently, there have been traces of Devil worshippers clandestinely using Necromancy, and it was mentioned in Xenon's Biography. Even in Xenon's Biography, Necromancy was considered a magic that should never be attempted.

In addition to that, black magic, which gains power through human sacrifices or spreads terrible curses and plagues, was also forbidden. In fact, since Necromancy is included within black magic, it is right to view black magic itself as forbidden magic.

"It isn't like black magic or necromancy. It's the purest form of magic, but it's forbidden due to the dreadful carnage it can cause."

"Hmm... It's hard to understand just by listening."

After hearing Fieren's response, Arwen looked puzzled and gazed at Volume 14 of Xenon's Biography. It was difficult to predict why Fieren was saying such things based solely on what she heard.

If it's not like black magic, then what kind of magic could it be? Moreover, there was something else that she couldn't comprehend.

That was about one of the criticisms of Xenon's Biography – magic was activated without proper explanation. So, it only describes what magic was cast, without teaching the detailed principles. If there's a flaw in Xenon's Biography, it's the weak depiction of magic, but it's understandable since Isaac was not a magician. Moreover, magic is not properly standardized among humans.

So, why exactly did Fieren describe forbidden magic in such a way? Arwen, with her stern expression, waited for Fieren and then opened the book.

Since it's come to this, it might not be a bad idea to read Volume 14 of the Xenon Chronicles to grasp the situation.

'Elvenheim has indeed been completely occupied.'

Due to the contamination of the World Tree and Lucifer's wicked scheme, Elvenheim has been completely incapacitated and invaded by demons. Naturally, the warriors of Elvenheim resisted repeatedly, but it was difficult to stop the devils who swarmed like a tidal wave.

If the warriors of Elvenheim defeat 5 devils, the devils send 10 more troops, and if they block that too, they send an additional 20 troops. The situation was the worst of the worst since the contaminated World Tree became a sort of coordinate and turned into a gateway, even nourishing Diablos. Elvenheim was practically on the verge of destruction. The Xenon's party happened to encounter Dark Elves and fought against the demons in Elvenheim, but they were forced to retreat due to the presence of the Seven Sins.

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