Chapter 149: Lee Waejin (1)

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On weekends, as usual, I had a dinner appointment with my older sister, Nicole. Somehow, we ended up making a weekly commitment to have meals together, and it wasn't that bothersome, so I ate with her every week.

Also, Nicole is soon graduating from the academy and is expected to be assigned to the Order of Knights. It's not confirmed yet, but I anticipate that she will be assigned to a good place like Dave.

(TL: I am genuinely confused if Isaac has 2 brothers or if the author changes his name every now and again. Early in the novel there's Dave who welcomes Isaac to the academy with Nicole. before going to the Navy Knights, but Bryce returns from there for the exhibition... wtf.)

On the other hand, Adelia... It was a bit ambiguous due to her status. After graduation, it's uncertain whether she will return to the kingdom immediately or join a knights order.

Returning to the Ters Kingdom ment facing a terrible home environment, and if she joined a knights order, it was practically betraying her homeland.

Although she didn't show it due to her bright personality, as the graduation season approaches, Adelia's heart will become more complicated.

"You still don't know where you'll be assigned, right?"

"Yeah. Dave got assigned to the Navy Knights by marking his preference in advance, but I still don't know. I would like to follow Father and join the Navy Knights, but it's not easy. I heard that Dave was a special case, and they conduct internal tests. Maybe I'll have to do the same."

After the weekend training was over, we always visited this restaurant.

I asked Nicole about her plans after graduation while sitting across from her. She casually replied as if it was nothing, but her forehead seemed slightly narrowed, indicating her nervousness.

"If it's you, you can definitely join the Navy Knights. They say only those with exceptional skills and grades can become teaching assistants in the Department of Martial Arts, right?"

My fiancée, Marie, who was sitting next to me, interjected while elegantly cutting her steak. Her face was radiant, and her skin had a much healthier glow than yesterday. It was because she hadn't stopped smiling since last night until now, even as we were enjoying a meal with Nicole and engaging in a lively conversation.

By the way, Adelia tactfully excused herself. There was no place for a third party to intervene when families were talking. Nicole said it was okay for her to join us, but Adelia adamantly refused.

Before parting ways, I remembered the envious look in their eyes. Rather than being blocked, it seemed like she didn't have the courage to step in instead.

As I mentioned before, Adelia has certainly acted closer recently, but she still occasionally hesitates.

"Well, that may be true, but the reality will be different. I've heard about the requirements for joining the Navy Knights, and just hearing about them was exhausting."

"Oh, I've heard about it too. They say if you join, you won't get proper sleep for a whole month, only constant training."

"That's right. But that's not the end of it. Not only will you not get proper sleep for a month, but you'll also have to be self-sufficient even for food. And the instructors often launch attacks unexpectedly. If you mess up, you could actually die, so you have to endure all sorts of hardships."

Is that truly something a person, no, a human being can do? The answer was yes. If you were born and a human born in this world could do it.

Until now, humans have complained about being the weakest and whatnot, but that's only within the standards of this world. Compared to my past life, they are already monsters. In a world where humans could fight and win against monsters the size of elephants without any mana, there was nothing they couldn't do.

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