Chapter 61: Love (3)

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It has been about two weeks since Marie and I started our sweet romance. A lot has changed in these two weeks, and one of the most notable changes is the way students look at us when we're together.

Before, people seemed unsure about our relationship, but now they look at us with confident eyes, sure that Marie and I are together. It's no longer a secret, but officially recognized.

Many people envy us, but there are also some who look at us uncomfortably, especially those who focus their gaze on Marie rather than me. Perhaps it's because Marie is the daughter of a wealthy Duke, while I am just the son of a Baron.

However, I don't really care about what they think. Marie and I love each other, and there's nothing they can do about it. In fact, Marie is proud that I'm the author of Xenon's Biography.

But there are some side effects. Sometimes, female students approach Marie and ask about me, and it can be frustrating. One time, Marie was complaining while eating.

"I'm so annoyed! Why do people keep asking me what's so great about you? They think we're just dating because you're handsome and cute!"

"Wait, what? Marie?"

I looked at her with a puzzled expression, putting down my utensils. Her words didn't make sense to me.

Marie, who had been complaining, suddenly realized what she had said and burst out laughing. Her smile wasn't like that of an innocent girl, but rather that of a mischievous one.

"Oops, sorry. I didn't mean to say that out loud. Hehe."

"... ..."

"Gulp. Why are you making that face? It's not a lie, you know?"

Marie said, swallowing the food in her mouth, as I looked at her in confusion. I couldn't think of a suitable response to her sincere expression, and a forced laugh escaped me.

If there were other people around, it would have been a remark that could embarrass oneself and others, but fortunately, it was comforting to know that only the two of us were peacefully dining together. By the way, it was the same restaurant where I confided my secret to Marie last time.

As it turned out, the space we were assigned by the staff was a course for couples. I don't know how embarrassed I was to hear that. In other words, it meant that they had also mistaken us for lovers last time and classified us into this room.

At that time, I knew nothing, so it was okay, but if it had been otherwise, it would have been awkward from the beginning. Of course, now that we officially became lovers, we could confidently walk in.

"Isaac, did nothing frustrating happen to you like it did to me? I am a daughter of a duke, so it's fine for me, but you might have it worse than me. Especially with that guy, Jackson or something, who seems to dislike you?"


I thought of the recent events as I listened to Marie's question. There wasn't much to do after becoming Marie's lover.

Only our closest friends, Rina and Cecily, haven't asked directly about our relationship, and they seem to be convinced of our status. That's probably why Marie is guarding me closely, and they can't make a bold approach.

Especially Cecily, who used to be with us quite often, has reduced her presence significantly. Whenever an opportunity arises, Marie suddenly appears and takes me away.

Yesterday was the same. The last lecture of the day wasn't one that Marie was supposed to attend, but as soon as the class was over, I met Marie waiting for me outside the door. She grabbed my arm and dragged me to have a meal together, instead of letting me go.

How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World[part1]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant