Chapter 60: Love (2)

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I often hear people say that I am cold-hearted. I agree with that to some extent. Recently, with all the incidents happening around me, or perhaps due to the influence of my past life, I have developed quite an indifferent personality.

However, lately, I have been filled with so much happiness that I find myself smiling more often. My mouth curls up slightly, and sometimes I burst into laughter like a crazy person.

Especially when I'm with Marie, I can't keep the smile off my face. Just looking at her made my lips twitch uncontrollably.


"Why are you laughing?"

"Isaac, why are you laughing?"

"I don't know, it's just coming out."

Marie also didn't try to hide her feelings, and we both giggled together. On the first day of our relationship, I was cautious and didn't express my affection much, but as time passed, all those inhibitions disappeared.

Whether it was the complaints from those around us, the suspicious glances from Cecily and Rina, or the curious looks from others, we were too consumed with the sweetness of our first love to care about anything else.

We even got scolded by a professor once for not paying attention in class, but it was just a simple hiccup that we easily overlooked.

Anyway, Marie and I confessed our feelings to each other and some time had passed. All the exams and assignments were over, and we had relatively more free time, so we hung out together more often.

Perhaps because of this, people's gaze towards us changed from suspicion to certainty. Even if you were not observant, others would predict, "Ah, those two are in a relationship," just by looking at us.

And the result of this was revealed in none other than the dance hall we visited on the weekend. We had agreed to have our own personal time over the weekend.

"Hey, are you dating someone these days?"


Adelia asked me directly as she returned as a spectator after taking a break.

I looked at her with a surprised expression. Adelia had seemed frustrated for a while, and she had even taken off her blouse.

Although she was wearing a tank top, I was almost caught off guard when my gaze turned to a risque place.

"Phew, it's hot. So when will you answer?"

Adelia said to me in her husky voice, fluttering her tank top. I noticed her beauty, drenched in sweat.

In response, I hastily regained my composure and spoke up. I tried to suppress any strange thoughts by imagining Marie's face as much as possible.

"How did you know?"

"I happened to see you hugging a white-haired girl. As if saying, 'We're in a relationship,' openly."

She giggled mischievously and poked my cheek with her index finger. Then, I gently grabbed Adelia's finger and placed it on my palm.

"So? Is that all?"

"Is that all? Who wouldn't be curious when their close friend's little brother is dating someone? Who confessed first? Wait, what's her name? I think I might know who she is from her white hair."

Adelia asked a series of questions with her bright blue eyes sparkling. If it were someone else, I wouldn't have bothered, but Adelia was different. She had a mischievous and curious side, but her nature was good.

If her nature wasn't good, Nicole wouldn't have taken care of her. Moreover, Adelia's pranks had a strong feeling of seeking attention, so I couldn't hate her.

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