Chapter 135: To Alvenheim (2)

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The next day, after it was confirmed that I was heading to Alvenheim, Arwen came directly to my accommodation. Since she used magic to conceal her presence, she managed to sneak into my room without anyone noticing. At first, I was startled when I heard a voice coming from thin air, but soon I realized it was Arwen and felt relieved.

From then on, Arwen would visit my room, and before we started our conversation, I informed her of the news. I immediately told her that I was going to Alvenheim, and her reaction was quite interesting.

"What, what? What did you just say?"

"I'm going to Alvenheim soon. My friend suggested that we go together, and I thought it would be a good idea, so I agreed."


"I'll get to see you deliver a speech with my own eyes."


Arwen, apparently not expecting me to come to Alvenheim at all, held both of her ears and groaned. It was quite fascinating to see her elongated ears being held like handles. It seemed to be a habit that came out whenever she was flustered.

Meanwhile, Arwen, in a slightly anxious voice, asked if I had to be bothered to come. Her hands were still firmly gripping her ears.

"Mm, can you not come?"


"It's, um, it's embarrassing."

"But you've already seen everything, so what's there to be embarrassed about?"

Arwen's cheeks turned as red as the sunset, feeling embarrassed at the strange part. As someone who had witnessed my situation with Marie with both eyes, I couldn't help but smirk.

However, it's not that I don't sympathize at all. Already burdened with the pressure to do well in front of a lot of people, if I were to be watched by a person that coached me, the burden would be immense.

"Anyway, it's decided that I'll watch your speech. Besides, I already made the teleportation reservation, and I don't have any grounds to refuse."

"Well, wouldn't it be better if you instead focus on writing your book?"

"I don't know. Wouldn't you think the opposite? There's such a great material, so why would I not go?"


Was it confirmed that I would be watching the speech? Arwen held onto her ears and closed her eyes tightly.

After a deep sigh, she let go of her ears, which she had been gripping like a handle, and murmured quietly.

"I guess there's no choice... But don't get your hopes up. Even if the speech you conveyed is great, it will vary depending on the person delivering it."

"If you have confidence, there shouldn't be any problems if you do it like you did last time."

"Well, I hope so..."

It seems that Arwen is feeling quite burdened. After all, this is her first nationwide address, so it's natural for her to feel nervous. Delivering a speech in front of people is already a nerve-wracking experience, let alone a nationwide address. As the day approaches, Arwen's emotions will likely fluctuate rapidly, and the possibility of not being able to sleep properly is high.

If she were a complete stranger, I might have ignored it, but because she is Arwen, I felt inclined to help. I was partially responsible if she messes up and in a way, she is one of the people I can call a "friend."

Considering my limited and narrow human relationships, I want to help my friends as much as possible. Although it may seem like an intervention in state affairs, I was simply helping a friend, so it didn't seem significant.

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