Chapter 70: Aftermath (1)

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The protest, which seemed like it could explode at any moment, gradually began to calm down as Isaac sent a letter to the publishing company. The letter was so long that it filled up a whole page, but roughly summarized, it went something like this.

[I'm really uneasy because it's too noisy. What if I get hurt? Don't worry, I haven't received any pressure or threats. I'm very healthy and I write as a hobby, and I just need a little break because I have a lot to do. So don't misunderstand and wait a little longer. Love you, my readers.]

The protesters initially objected, saying not to lie, questioning if Isaac really wrote the letter and if it was just a fake letter written to alleviate the situation as the situation seemed like a volcano was about to explode.

However, the publishing company showed through action instead of words. It was the original copy of the first volume of the masterpiece, Xenon's Biography, which began to leave a great mark on the cultural world and is now loved by many.

Furthermore, it was written directly by Isaac, not a draft received from the publishing company. Naturally, the public was shocked and amazed.

"It's a lie! How can we believe it?"

"Provide evidence that it's not a copy, but the real original!"

"Prove that it's really authentic!"

Of course, they didn't believe it straightforwardly. However, from the protesters' point of view, they couldn't easily believe that the letter and the manuscript announced as a draft by the publishing company were real.

The people who participated in the protest were of all ages and genders, and among them were also those who had a lot of worldly experience. In other words, they knew well how dirty and cruel the upper world could be.

Because of this, even though the publisher pitifully claimed that it was only a draft, they were not trusted. However, the situation soon turned around.

"Is this really a draft? It seems like the original, not a copy."

"Is that true?"

"Why would you say that? Could it be because the manuscript paper is old?"

"No, that's not the reason. The manuscript paper being old doesn't mean anything. It could have been written on old manuscript paper. But the ink is not. If the ink has changed color, it means it was written quite a while ago. And look at all these dots that are stamped here. These are traces of the writer's contemplation. Writers often go through a lot of contemplation in the introduction part."

By verifying the draft through a collector and expert who had come upon hearing the news, it was proven to be authentic.

If it were an ordinary collector, the credibility wouldn't have risen as much, but since it was one of the collectors recognized even within the Minerva Empire, the credibility increased dramatically.

"Is there any evidence of magic being used? You never know."

"Well, magic is an infinite power, but it can't do anything about time. However, the traces of time are clearly captured on this manuscript paper. So, you can only believe that this is a genuine article."

"I, really...!"

As concrete evidence was presented, the spokesperson for the publishing company wanted to dance with joy right away. However, since the situation had not been completely resolved yet, they barely suppressed those emotions.

The spokesperson quickly intercepted the original from the collector and shouted to the crowd focused on him. The size of his voice was like thunder, as if he had picked someone with a loud voice from the publishing company.

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