Chapter 158: Winter Break (2)

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My mother gave birth to my older brother, Dave, when she was 21 years old. Then, seven years later, at the age of 28, she gave birth to me. Now, after 17 years have passed, she is exactly 45 years old. Due to good management and her inherent youthful appearance, she may look like someone in their early 30s, but in reality, she's approaching 50.

Taking into account common knowledge and societal norms, it's considered quite late to have a child at her age. Moreover, in this day and age, with advanced contraceptive technology, having a late-in-life child is rare.

However, this is mainly applicable among the nobility, commoners tend to have children later as well. Contraceptive methods have primarily spread among the nobility, while the commoners have not adopted them yet.

Nevertheless, having a late-in-life child at the age of 45... It's practically like being a grandmother rather than a mother. Even if I were to marry and have a child with Marie right now, it wouldn't be considered unusual in this day and age. However, my parents were a very exceptional case.

When my future younger sister, Lily, is born, if she calls me "Daddy," people would naturally find it normal, but they might give me strange looks if I'm called "big brother."

"To be honest, we never imagined having Lily. We thought it would be fine with our age, and that we didn't need any medication. But now... Hoho. It's a bit embarrassing to say it out loud."

"Isn't it risky? They say that the risk of complications increases significantly for women over 40."

"It's alright. As long as I maintain a steady flow of mana, both the child and the mother will be safe. Of course, it's a good idea to invite a clergy member just in case."

My mother, Cecily, and I were currently enjoying a snack in the parlor while engaging in a pleasant conversation. The seating arrangement was slightly unusual, with my mother and I sitting side by side while Cecily sat alone across from us.

It was a layout that made sense since Cecily was the guest, but my mother had already sensed what Cecily was trying to achieve. If she had willingly accepted it, she would have seated Cecily next to me. However, the fact that she didn't meant that my mother hadn't fully given her approval. Cecily seemed to be aware of that, smiling outwardly but with a hint of tension in her expression.

"And there's one more method. It can only be used while in the unsafe period, but the effect is guaranteed."

"Can I ask what it is?"

"Well... I'll just let you know that it's a slightly savage method."

"Aha. I think I know what it is. Well, it must be easy for the Baron since he's the Red Lion."

"Hoho. My dear husband does have quite a bit of strength."

"... ..."

The time the exhibition began was in June. And today is the end of January, well into the new year.

Calculating the time from the day the exhibition ended until now, it's been at least six months, which means that they poured tremendous effort into it every night during that time.

Even amidst recent busyness due to territorial affairs, my father also exerted his strength for my mother, so even if he was the Red Lion, he wouldn't have recovered quickly.

I respect you, Father. I wish I had as strong a physique as you do.

"Come to think of it, Your Highness, do you have any siblings? I don't recall hearing about it last time."

"I am an only child. My parents didn't have any specific plans after giving birth to me."

"I heard that elves consider nighttime activities as a form of ritual. Is it similar for demons, perhaps for a similar reason?"

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