Chapter 33: What Bullshit Is This (2)

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As far as discussing the relationships goes, we can laugh it off. Some may find Jackson's topic of logical debate strange, but here's a comparison.

Xenon's Saga follows a similar format to analyze the relationships between characters in a literary novel in a Korean language class. Furthermore, Xenon's Saga is written in a way that makes it easy to recognize the characters without having to explain them, so the relationship between the characters is fairly obvious.

Right now, many people are aware of the relationship between the main character, Xenon, and the heroine, Mary, as well as the relationship between Jin and Lily. If Xenon's colleagues are included here, it becomes quite complicated.

"Fuck. What?" However, Jackson's words were so ridiculous that I, the original author, couldn't understand them. Usually, I tend to refrain from swearing, even subconsciously, but the words just came out of my mouth.

Maybe Jackson didn't know I was going to curse at him, so he looked a bit surprised, but it was only for a moment. He stretched out his index finger as if to say 'Look', and explained with his characteristic arrogant expression.

"Hearing you cursing like that, you must be impressed too. Of course, none of us expected Lily to go to Xenon. Don't you all think so?"

"Well...after hearing it, I suppose you're right."

"It can't be helped because their nature is different from each other." When Jackson asked the audience for their opinions, there was a general feeling of acceptance. Reading the atmosphere, I could see him waving his hand and running away.

I don't know if they were being incited to agree or if they had something to say that they hadn't said yet, but I'm guessing the latter since not one, not two, but most of them agreed. These people aren't stupid enough to be easily persuaded by that.

Even though I wanted to scream, I held off. Instead, while barely calming my simmering heart, I asked Jackson, "...Is that all? Just because Lily has a crush on Xenon?"

"Of course not. I'm not talking about the world we live in now, but the world in Xenon's Saga where discrimination against demons still exists. Even more so, Lily is a priestess with a promising future within the Church of Light. That is enough, but I'm more concerned about Jin's birth."


The heat that was simmering inside of me quickly dissipated, as if I'd been doused with cold water. I was listening to this as if it were a bunch of bullshit a moment ago, but now that Jackson had 'mentioned' birth, the story changed.

He was right, because Jin's birth was one of the most important plot points in the story.

Jackson smiled, as if he had read my expression, and continued triumphantly, "Yeah. Most people probably didn't notice because it was mentioned in passing, but Sakran, the leader of Demon Hunters, told Jin, 'A demon with horns as large as yours and a concentration of black mana as dense as yours are extremely rare.' In addition, demons in Xenon's Saga are notable for the fact that their devil blood becomes a little thinner with each generation."


"To summarize, Jin is a demon born to a true demon and a human, rather than a demon born to demons. As a result, the demon's features are bound to stand out even more."


Clap- Clap- Clap- Clap. I clapped my hands in genuine admiration. The start was odd, but the entire process fits the story I wanted to tell.

In fact, unlike other demons, Jin was a demon who was far closer to the Devil than a human. His mother was raped by a true demon and forced to give birth to him, and this unfortunate demon grew up under severe abuse from childhood.

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