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Between my sister listening to the very man I slept with and my actual man disrespecting the man I slept with, it's an awkward situation and I didn't think I would feel this way "I don't know why you like this garbage, he's garbage" Jay pointed, he's a little jealous I feel but won't say it out loud "he's literally hot!" My sister half shouted "so you like that bad boy thing? He barely has his pants over his ass on a regular day!" Jay shouted "ssshhh" he's loud, my younger brother walked in "Kenza, dad said I can't listen to these type of songs" he's the youngest of us all, he will be entering high school next year. My sister is just leaving college as he starts his journey "come here" waving my arm over "oh I'm seeing Noor in a few hours" hugging my little brother close "since when? So why make me come here?" Why is he even mad "I didn't make you, you wanted to come. You said and I quote see the family so why are you barking" my sister sniggered "yes Jay, why are you shouting?" She backed me "I'm not, I was stating an opinion" he says that but he always has an issue with me, he loves to shout. He loves to be forceful with me at times, jealously is his issue but I have been with Jay since I was eighteen, he's all I know and I feel so bad that I did cheat on him, we didn't even split. Just we wasn't speaking because of how he felt towards Oakley, he felt that there was a slight closeness, which I get now. But I am glad it's over, I let the whole kidnapping thing go, it's been a month I have too and we all move on. I never questioned Jay about what happened and why because why do I want to hear him, he will say I cheated with them, which I mean just one guy I did "tell Noor that she needs to give me that discount in Selfridges, she is hiding away from me with that" my sister pointed at me, she is after some clothes there "I will, she did mention it but she forgets. You know how she is" I sighed out "you know I love you" Jay hand reached behind me "you do this every time, too far and embarrassing" I hate it, maybe he is insecure but my friends don't like him, I don't know how we have have even made it this far.

I haven't seen Noor in so long, this catch up is needed. After my birthday we haven't spoken since "Nobu?" I said laughing as I did a little shimmy towards her "you know I am bougie on a budget, oh girl. How are you?" We both hugged tightly, we have been friends since school and I love her so much "I'm good babe, just needed this! I've been through a lot" she cooed out "well you went silent after your party, like we was saying in the group chat, the girls are all saying where is Kenza" sitting down huffing out "girl" I just said "girl" shuffling my chair in "I've been in the trenches, I need wine. Work, plus Jay, plus a lot. I did need this, so how are you?" I need to hear someone else's drama because my life is always on edge, I am sick and tired "boring, but I am moving jobs. I have my dream job" I gasped "where!?" I half shouted "Sony records, I am working there part of their A&R team" I yelped out "you have fought so hard for this, oh wow. I am so fucking happy for you!" I spat "let me buy this, it's on me" I have to do this for her "no! But you can get me dessert. This is on me, I am just happy really, I have been stuck at Selfridges and just been applying and waiting on this moment, and it's arrived and I'm happy now. I mean come on, my big age just at a store? Well a manager there but I felt I didn't develop as quickly but here we are. Also, tell me why my ex man try to link me yeah, he came to Selfridges and asked for me, he then said to me oh I miss you Noor, let's get back together. Then he text me that night and said I'm outside your home, like what the fuck. But that is my drama, how about you? Also where did you go? In my mind I am sure I saw you holding hands with a rapper? Like I was drunk, I was out of it. I look and I see you with Central Cee so what happened? And then that was it? Or was I dreaming it" my face is so flush right now, I don't know what to say.

Noor is just staring at me "I've kept something away from everyone, I just didn't want to come off as something I'm not. You know I told you about Oakley; well Cench as you all know him as. But you know how it's been weird between us and we have that I don't know something, and Jay argued with me and said those things to me and degraded me and pushed me. But it's behind us. So that night, he still came out for my birthday but he said I purposely took you all there for him, I mean there was nothing between us, he's a colleague but I don't know. It was something right" Noor side eyed me "what is getting me mad is your with Jay still? If your dad loves him that much why can't he be with him? Jay is nasty fucking get rid of him. But proceed" none of my friends like him "I know but he is good to me too" she rolled her eyes, their hate for him runs deep "please do not repeat this, not even to the rest of the girls, so Jay, at the club he shouted at me, then left. I was drunk and may have said some things, I was drunk but knew what I was doing, so Oakley saw me. He refused to let me go and I didn't want to go back to Jay' home, seeing as I live there. So he took me to his flat, and things happened" Noor gasped "you slept with him!?" She shouted so loudly "yes, and shut up" being loud for no reason "wow, oh my" she is in utter shock and I don't blame her, I'm still trying accept what happened too, I slept with him.

Tension - Central Cee - KenzaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ