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I'm tellin' my bro "Don't quit, put in the work and your time will come"

I am proud of me, even though nobody has uttered those words to me, I am proud of me. I have had the world against me, my family and peers didn't think I would and they didn't think I would continue, they thought I would give up but I didn't and I feel this is it, I feel this is my moment and I couldn't be more happier where I am at. I have got a guy that is willing to actually put in time and work and to tell me the truth, he told me to take off the auto tune and look at this, look what god has done for me. My first release without auto tune is doing numbers I couldn't imagine, I thought it may have been a few thousand but I am in the millions, and I am getting things thrown at me, I am in shock. I don't actually want the fame like that though, I enjoy music and I just want to make money on the side and be happy but I am getting calls, I'm getting these people come to me but I must remain calm and humble, this could be taken from me so fast, I want to remain humble and just be silent about things but my bros are so hype, their big brother being known now, and people just speaking on me. I feel respected for once, I'm going to make real big money and I'm excited to see, I have my first club performance tonight, just a little thing. But it's at a major club where they denied me one time, I could be seeing some big rappers in there but Ybeez told me to keep my head in the game and just not think or care of others which I don't, nothing fazes me in life "your dad is here" dragging my eyes way from the TV "ok" I just said "son" dapping him, peeping my mother close the door and it's like they are both sitting here when they both don't get along at all.

I just know this vibe from them both because it's going to be either they don't agree on something or they aren't impressed "can you just turn the volume down for me" my mother uttered because at this point I didn't move or look at them "sure" turning the video down but I am reluctant because this is going to be some shit and my dad plays along with my mother and he doesn't agree with her on a regular day "what's up?" I dragged my eyes away from the TV and looked at the two most useless people that raised me, I got love for my dad. I do, but he didn't do anything for me to respect him for. He tried his best but he is a cheat, he is a bum, he doesn't have a home himself barely, he is just harassing his sister to stay there so my mother can allow him to see the younger two, me I do what I want really "I can see that, well I spoke to Vanessa and she said how much you are gaining and that you are the talk of West London, and I couldn't be happy for you" nodding my head "thanks" whatever statement that is from my mother "you know it is hard for me with two younger boys and how much they look to you, Cheyne is leaving school this year and wants to be near you but also having to run this home, this flat Oakley with you living here, I bought your dad along so we can discuss that you do need to start paying something here, you work too?" It's laughable "you kick me out for years on end, dad didn't even try and help, Nana took me in and now you expect me to pay out? Nah; I have a club performance and I'm going to get paid more then your life savings, and more then your government pension because dad you ain't worked a day in your life really. I am leaving because I want too, and this ain't my problem. You couldn't just come and say son, I am proud of you, but you came for money, that hurts. But don't worry, tonight I'm gone. Me and a duffle bag, maybe a suitcase so maybe dad can help you" I laughed "you're being rude now Oakley, I did my best with you" he pointed, his anger is coming through "you let her kick me out at fourteen, sink that in" I got off the sofa; I can't be here and hear the nonsense "I am over it, I am doing me" I can't deal with their shit "I have always fought for you son" my dad says this but it's just bullshit on his end.

Wadz smiled wide at me sat in the car waiting for me to come out, duffle bag in hand and suitcase "Oakley why do you have to go? Like stay with us" Cheyne said in sadness "I will be back don't worry, I just need to do me. I need to heal myself and look at me, I'm doing well. I'll be on road and working now so yeah, I just need to move but bro, I will be seeing you both don't worry about it" my mother is mad, she thinks I'm spiteful for not wanting to openly help her with bills when I'm scarred from when she kicked me out at fourteen because I was too busy trying to be something at that young age, I know we didn't have shit and we still don't but I am doing this for me now "ok, come back" hugging them both "you know I will; I got you, I always got you. If you need anything call me, I will get you it" I broke away from the hug pointing at them both, I always buy them things, even if it's the money from selling dope I gave them things "let's go bro" walking to the car, Wadz in his dad car, I got rid of the G-Wagon because I wanted to get this beat from the guy, I needed it so I sold it; I don't know why I got it to begin with, I think it was more of I wanted it then needed because my mother said I couldn't do it and I did. I sighed out heavily "we up there now my boy, I told you to crash with me" Wadz been telling me too but I was stubborn in that sense "I didn't want to put you out either but you know what happened my guy? Fucking both parents got me and was saying like put me on rent? Like put it up? That I need to give, like the fact you even asked me has made me mad, bro I just can't believe they asked me so openly, for money and I had to deal because of them, because they couldn't take care of me, I am mad" Wadz cringed, he knows my parents and what they are like, I got treated like shit I feel, I never got fair judgement or even got treated fairly compared to my younger brothers.

Tension - Central Cee - KenzaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin