Thirteen. Part 2

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Placing my head down as all three of her friends walked by me, I don't want them to clock me so it was best I hid. Her friends seem to hate me with their whole chest but honestly they need to mind their business with everything, I do feel they have been in her ear too, maybe I did kick off a little too much but I saw her with a guy smiling. Her friends did walk by without even noticing at all, before I even got to England it was a little too late and before I even landed I found out that she is in hospital, I don't know why I let it slip about her being pregnant, what do I even do with a baby anyways. I can't be a dad yet, my life has just started with everything but that is besides the point. K Dot said she fell, and that he was letting her go and it was never a kidnapping it was more to get her dad out which didn't work and she fell, I don't know how much of that is true or false but I am here at the hospital. I think it wasn't on purpose because he bought her to this hospital so this is how I knew she was here, Ybeez is still in America and he is so mad with me for coming back because I wasn't going to let Kenza be alone, it's crazy to think her dad just up and left like that, he's ruthless anyways. Getting up from the seat, pulling down my balaclava and pushing my hood back, I feel bad, I didn't want any of this for her at all. I knew her dad was bad, and I did want to protect her from me too but I liked her a lot so it's just so hard. She's on an open ward so there is others on this thing which is shit, walking into the room and seeing the rows of beds, it's a female only ward, I hope I don't get kicked out because I lied and said it's my fiancé. Peeping Kenza in the end corner bed, she looks well. Her face dropped seeing me walk closer, it's like all the blood drained out of her face just seeing me arrive. I didn't say anything, I grabbed the curtain and dragged it around the bed to cover us because fuck these other people around here "excuse me but you can't do that" the nurse rushed over, looking at the nurse she gasped "we need privacy" she froze just seeing that I was here "oh uhm yes" she stumbled on her words and rushed away, she didn't know what to say really.

Sitting down at the side of the bed "I thought you was in America" she said to me, she seems fed up "I came back for you" rubbing my chin feeling sad for her that she is in this position to begin with "I am not pregnant anymore so you're free, I lost it when I fell down the stairs. They only keeping me here because of that so yeah, that's it. I am over it, so you didn't need to come back I could have texted you" she is very closed off "I am sorry Kenza" putting my head down "for what, I was never going to keep it" looking at her "not the point really is it? A loss is a loss Kenza, that is a loss" I get she wants to shut down, I understand that "what exactly would you bring to the table? I refuse to have a child with a man like you, never. I would never, I would terminate that in a heartbeat, I told out of curtesy because it was the right thing but this is my body, this is my baby and you was only there to fuck me in the back of the car, that was it. I would never keep a baby that was produced out of that, no love lost. Barely hitting two month mark, it's done with. I wouldn't do that to myself to be just a baby mother of a rapper" I can't even reply to that because she is right "you visited me now go, just leave me be" I sat back in the chair "I didn't just come to leave like that, I want to know if that was intentional? The falling" I need to know that "K1 was there, your so called friend. You called and he was laughing, lover boy is concerned it's not his battle. Then he goes I don't harm ladies or kids, we just wanted your dad but looks like he don't care about his precious prize. So he left and I said to K1 you are supposed to be his friend and then he goes I am protecting him, this is the way. Few hours passed, the guy that took me came. I mean the only way I went into the car was they grabbed me anyways, so he goes go home, your boyfriend is upset, meaning you. So I got up, they took me to this warehouse which is unsafe as ever, he uhm came up behind me like close, I got mad. He said you too pretty, right against my ear, I elbowed him and he pushed me but that caused me to fall, I knocked out. Woke up here, lost my baby and have a cut to my forehead" she laughed, I am sad for her.

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