Eleven. Part 2

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Noor making me avocado and toast, how cute of her to do that. I think she is happy about last night and to be fair she did look like she was feeling Clint a lot so this is good "you're fully dressed? Before ten too?" I huffed out, I am actually tired "I am meeting him that's why, but thank you for this, it will set me up for the day" sitting on the bar stool "him? As in Central Cee yeah" nodding my head "that one yeah, I was trying to get him to leave me alone but he kept pressuring me to speak to him, not in a bad way but I tried to like say no, he pleaded with me" Noor eyebrow lifted "pleaded? A London boy? Oh he likes you a lot sister" I shrugged "he just kept saying please, and don't do me like that, and he needs to speak to me. He was trying to protect me, that he's getting pressure to not be with me, he can explain more. Please meet him, so like I was thinking you know what, let me check it out. In his defence Jay is a fuckin psycho, my dad isn't the best and he found that out, he wasn't happy. So I will see what he says" biting into my avocado on toast "he needs to let that life go now, he is a star in his own right now, he don't need that. Maybe there is some truth to it but don't let him acting cute get to you, London boys are hell sister so just be careful. And also your dad isn't the right one to mess with so I get it, and I suppose at that moment his brother did get stabbed and he was upset so his reaction is defended, I get that. I don't even fault him for being that way but just you know, be aware" she has a point "so Clint? Spill" Noor laughed out "woke up and I see this IG request for a message, Clint out hey big head, I hate that I lowkey smirked. I like to see that, I left it there, I've not read it or done anything, let him wait a little. But he was nice, but too much of a sweet talker but I would like to have some fun too, I mean bitch we young, we need to have fun too, but Paige and Lisa are coming at twelve?" She pointed out "I won't be here, I don't know how long I will be with him, send them my regards, I need to go. Thank you for this" jumping off the bar stool, I need to go and get to the tube "but how do you know he will be there?" I get Noor is concerned "he messaged before I left my room, he took a selfie of himself in the car. And just said I left, so I am sure he will. I haven't even messaged him back, left it read. Bye boo, love you" giving air kisses to Noor "love you too pooks, be safe my babe" she is always concerned for me, which is cute of her. I think my inner curiosity is getting to me, I need to know what happened, he was very adamant in wanting to explain too.

Stood here outside embankment, I am sure he is stuck in traffic but he late either way. I hate being stood around for too long, London is forever busy, looking at my phone screen he is calling me "hey" I said down the phone "I am parked across from you for a good five minutes now, I'm in the SVR. Look to your left a little" seeing the blacked out Range Rover "the Range Rover?" He sniggered "yeah but it's a SVR version" I put the phone down, why is he telling me like I care, I have no idea what the difference is. I feel a little apprehensive now, I am nervous and I don't know why. It's not like we are anything but just have that feeling in my stomach, I do like him but he can be a pain and I don't need that. Opening the door, our eyes met and I felt an instant shudder, this is  going to be eventful to say the least "alright" his smile, the fact he smiled made me smile "hey" climbing into the car "why is this so damn high" I scoffed "you want me to help you" slamming the car door shut "I made it" sighing out heavily "I can tell, sorry about the lateness, I was in traffic. You up for going Essex? It's out the way" my eyes widened "erm that's a little out the way, I mean if that makes you ok then fine, not like I have anywhere to go" he drove off slowly, he is taking me Essex which is like an hour away but still, why there "how are you though? I didn't get to mention it but you looked amazing, I am glad I went there" he is being a charmer "I mean you always look good" let me put my belt on "thank you, I wasn't expecting you there. I specifically asked if you were going and to say I refuse to go if he does" he gasped "serious?" He is shocked "yeah, I am mad with you" he did a double take looking at me "serious" the one hand on the steering wheel while driving is a little turn on for me, this is crazy because it's sexy really "speak to me, I am listening" he broke my train of thoughts "I'm mad because you spoke to me like that, I was mad and you didn't attempt to do a single thing, lack of care. If you really liked me you would have done more" I think that's made me mad, he didn't do anything but send me those last texts and dipped "when we get there we will speak but how are you?" I need to get my head out of the clouds, I am getting feelings again now seeing him "I am ok thanks, you?" Shrugging his shoulders "but I am glad you came out" a small smile played on my lips, I need to be mad again this cannot be it, this is so stupid to be smiling, why am I smiling.

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