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I have been meaning to see Kenza, she literally has nothing besides the cash she had but then she spent it, it's been about two days now and word is getting around that Jay girl is missing but these don't know that Kevin is her dad and I pray they don't ever find out at this moment, I cannot have this come out because they will get at her, Wadz and Wyge won't say anything but then again I can't be sure, I don't do feelings and I don't do this drama, I have my own shit but why is this girl crying, she been crying every day, I have things on but I did say I will go and see how she is today. I just don't know, I don't know how to feel about things, I like her and I feel she is good vibes, when I am with Kenza it's different, when I am in her presence my doubts and my mind goes blank, right now I be thinking a lot of shit and be doubting myself but as soon as I am with her it switches, and then I feel comfortable. I need to help her get out of this situation either way, her life with Jay isn't it, I am not doing this with any intention but her happiness, I want her to be happy and I guess that to me shows I do care. Just sucks that this is happening all now, I don't want her to be caught up in it either, me myself don't need that shit but I can handle my own, not when people are involved, that shit be making it difficult "cashier took forever, sorry" Ybeez said as he entered my car, I picked him up to drop him off to a meeting "it's cool" I grumbled "ok grumpy, the fuck is wrong with you. Look, I said when shit hits it will hit, your life will never be the same, I'm right. Don't be stressing out on me now" shaking my head smiling, I have been a little negative, he isn't wrong "my bad, just thinking. My family, I want to make them happy you see. But I don't think my mother will ever be" taking the bottle of water he bought me "she will eventually, ignore her. She gives off negative vibes, but I am telling you now, the way your brothers talk about you, they love you. And your dad, I get it. Your want your mother approval too, put that shit on a back burner but we need a video for Obsessed With You, get thinking" taking in a deep breath, I need to get that video done quickly because that song is blowing up.

I needed to see K-Dot before I went to see Kenza; I don't know what he wants really. Dropped Ybeez off and now I'm at his crib, I am unsure of what he wants, hopefully nothing big because I can't be bothered right now "Juke?" I said confused seeing my brother sat here with these "he came to see me legend" K-Dot patted him on the shoulder and walked off "why!?" I spat "because where you been at Oakley? You said you wouldn't leave us but you have, you ain't seen us since. Mom needs money, we have nothing. I been doing runs for K-Dot" I looked at him and K-Dot just shrugged "he needed money" he doesn't care "come to me? I have a phone? Tell me what you got with the money, you said you needed it for fucking clothes so I ignored it?" I am pissed off "bills! I didn't know you was coming" he said "he didn't actually but I needed to see you, do you know that Jay girl is from the same place where you worked? Did you ever peep her" I swallowed hard "erm nah, I don't know. You trying to find her still?" He nodded his head "she is so fucking hidden, no trace. And I got noise that Kevin has kids, like I need information but there is no trail? Like what the fuck" looking down at my phone, its withheld so it's going be Kenza, answering the phone call, if I didn't then he will think why "yo" I said "how long?" She said in a whisper "yeah, I'm coming. I need to get something and then I will see you, an hour the most" I lied, she will go on if not "get me some pads, I'm going to start my period" I pulled a face "pads!?" I shouted "why are you mad? Like shouting at me" she is asking for pads for what "I am not shouting, I am just confused. I don't know what those are?" How she asking me this "periods Oakley! We have them, you must know this, don't piss me off!" She is mad with me not knowing "I don't know them" she put the phone down on me, as expected "who the fuck wants pads" K-Dot laughed, I instantly regretted my decision to shout the way I did "just some bitch I was fucking with, like I don't do partners. We fucked, like why you calling" I laughed "and you! You need to get a real job or some shit. Don't do what I do!" Pointing at Juke "allow it bro, come on" Wyge can't be serious "he is your cousin and you're allowing it!?" I half shouted at Wyge "fuck" answering the call "call me in half hour" putting the phone down on Kenza "look Juke, let me get on the path. I will help, stop stressing me out" why can't he obey, I don't have time for this.

Tension - Central Cee - KenzaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora