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I feel like my life is on times one hundred because the way that the video got released  and now I am somewhat a known person, I am getting offers. I've been France alone twice to see agencies, I know like it's been bittersweet with doing this video but he has also opened so many doors for me and I thank him for that but we don't talk, I hope he has deleted my number, we haven't spoken since he did what he did, I don't even care about much and when he was storming out I was concerned but not again, I have had to deal with Jay being nasty to me, I can't be in another relationship where a man is like that, I hate myself. I hate that I was falling for him I really was and I am glad I caught myself before it got any deeper, I cant deal with that at all, it's done with but it's gave me a lot of attention which is good but also scary, but it's coming up to Christmas and I think I need to see my family, my dad is missing me like mad so he says. I called an Uber and I'm going over, I have my big girl panties on now, even if Jay is there I don't care now, he's done in my life. I know he's been trying to get at me, even doing what he did to his brother so when my dad called I said for him to leave them alone and that me and Cench aren't together, it was clout so I have heard nothing that he's done a thing since which is good. To see home did put a smile on my face, I missed my family "thank you" I said to the driver as I got out, Noor didn't want me to come but she has seen I am stronger as a person now, it's been a few months and I am done. I have gained my self worth I guess but I bought gifts for my family, I won't be with them on the day. I am going to be abroad, crazy enough that I will be. I didn't think they worked all year round but they do so I will be away "my baby girl" my dad rushed out "dad" I beamed, I am a daddy's girl, I know that for sure "my bean" I laughed as we both hugged "it's been a while dad, one of these hugs. I needed it" scrunching my eyes closed "I wish you came home! To me" I sighed out "dad, no" I simply said, I don't want him in jail ever again, I rather he never gets in trouble because he would murder Jay.

I think my family are so happy, especially my siblings with their presents "you know what, as much as I am so happy about a fucking Dior bag, I have missed you bitch" my sister said which was nice to hear "I missed you all too, but I needed to just be free. And besides we met when we can" I nudged her "yeah but being home Kenza, heard you can't stay for food?" Shaking my head "I have this event, it's a Christmas get together, it's done by Pharrell so who am I to say no?" Her mouth fell open "I ain't even stopping you, oh my gosh" my dad put his arm around me "I feel so blind to Jay, for you I said if I ever see him again I will then kill him but I did that for you, he's in hiding now" nodding my head "well I just didn't want the trouble, like him attacking Cench brother was wrong, like we not even dating. Just work friends that happened to get along and then we did that video, nothing more" shaking my head "so you really not dating?" My sister asked "no" I laughed "never that" she pulled a face "can I meet him" of course my brother piped up "sorry but no" I chuckled "I need you to show me something" my sister waved me over, walking off and away from the family "I missed my daughter so much" hearing my dad say behind me as we went out of the kitchen area and to the living room "I watched the video so many times, religiously may I add. I was seeing a lot more than friends, some of those clips move fast but I was pausing, you're telling me you ain't hit that? I'll be mad if you say no" I breathed out laughing "it's acting" I shrugged "you had Cench laughing, that man was happy as shit. I refuse, why lie to me?" Shaking my head, I don't know what she wants me to say "I thought we was close" here she goes "don't guilt trip me" shaking my head "did you?" She really wants to know "look" I paused "we did" she gasped "no way, you did it!" She spat, now she is jumping up and down "seeing as it's not like an official thing, is he good in bed" I waved her off "I am done, but anyways. I bought you that bag because Noor is going to pick us up, I have a plus two for the invite, and I choose you and Noor" my sister froze "seriously?" Nodding my head "I want-" I couldn't even finish it off she just ran screaming "Zara, can you stop screaming!" My dad shouted at my sister, I just knew this would make her whole year and I wanted to bring her along.

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