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Looking to the side of me "where you going?" I asked Kenza "bathroom" nodding my head, I had to double check. I don't care if I always question her, I don't know what has happened to me but I feel like I have to ask before after she got kidnapped, I am apprehensive about her. Even though we are in LA you can never be sure, maybe it's my mechanism to deal with what happened. As soon as we landed we threw bags down and came here, she is quiet but I prefer she is away from London and just live a little. I have also bought Juke along, my mother pleaded with me because he's always up to something and she is scared to lose him so got him to come along but it's nice to see him and Kenza getting along, the whole flight they was speaking so that made me happy "why did you bring her?" Ybeez asked "because I can and I will, whatever we are or go through she will always be my friend and I care for her" Ybeez eyes widened "the king of not caring about things actually cares, wow. You caught feelings but I rate you and whatever is making you produce these songs then that is fine. I heard she is pregnant" I huffed out "nah, can we not speak on that. I don't want anyone to speak out on that with her, I am so serious" Ybeez held his hands up "she lost it?" Wadz said "just shut up!" I will be so mad if they bring it up with her here, getting up from the chair. I just want to see if she's ok, I don't like to know she is far because after what happened what if something happens "you know after this studio time we are going for the airport straight off, we spent enough time waiting for you so now we need to go" I scoffed "really? So why did I even drop the bag off at the hotel then?" Ybeez shrugged, he could have told me "get the boys to get them, we have to catch the first flight out" looking at Kenza, she has come back in "you good yeah?" She stood next to me "yes thank you" made me smile to know she is ok though "we leaving after this studio session, going to New York so you can nap here if you want" she may be tired "I may do that" my brother is smiling like an idiot as he also walked in "you can lay your head on my arm" he offered "yes there is enough meat on there too" walking off laughing, he's funny.

Dragging my feet across the airport floor, I am so tired but Ybeez got us out here waiting on the first flight out "you look knackered Oakley" I huffed out, I just finished writing a paragraph to my mother, she is scolding me but yet doesn't even know what I do, she only cares because Juke is with me. Tapping on my camera, walking towards Kenza and tapping on video, pressing record "who got you the chain" reaching my free hand out, Kenza swatted my hand "hey! I'm just checking out the chain" I laughed, it's my chain anyways "a little protective of this" zooming in on it as I held my gold Live Yours chain from around her neck, Kenza is smiling at me until I aimed the camera at her face "stop" she covered her face which made me laugh "stop being stupid, sit down. We have another hour left" sitting next to her "we have decided that I sit in the middle, I said to Kenza you both are my parents" side eyeing him "parents, be quiet" he's so stupid, Juke be talking nonsense "he's actually sitting in the middle though Oakley" pulling a face, Kenza is not agreeing "he sits away from us" I am here trying to edit this clip "but bro why!? Kenza said I got more joke then you, admit it" Kenza is laughing "she thinks you're dumb that's why" looking up at someone tapping my shoulder "come here one second bro" Wadz waved me over, I got up from the seat "you good?" Wadz squinted his eyes at me "she knows you was playing off?" My mouth fell open and then shut "nah why?" Wadz shook his head "listen to me, be truthful. You like her and I can tell you do but I need you to be real" nodding my head but then paused "oh nah, no. That ain't happening" I don't know how to feel about that, what she doesn't know won't hurt hurt but I feel like Wadz wants me to be truthful but like she won't find out, but maybe he's right.

America security don't play, they patting me all over "to the side there sir" the guy pointed, turning to the side as he continued to pat me down, I don't know why they picked on me "y'all are jarring" they are videoing me of course "he's just patting the air out of the front of the boxers" Kenza pointed walking off "that is rude you know that is a lie" how she going to say that to me "all clear, that's fine you can go through" that was so rude of them to do all that "thank you" walking towards the end to get my things "I'll help you" Kenza shuffled her way over "nah you been laughing at me, now you want to help me" grabbing my shoes from the box "oh please, I just found it funny. They was patting air" squinting my eyes at her "jarring, you know that. You know that is a lie, you know it, you seen it and you had it" Kenza side eyed me, nudging me with her arm "here" I turned to her and placed the chain over her "anymore chains?" She half laughed "will be soon, I'll put these on and can you pack those in" walking off with my shoes, sitting next to YBeez to put them on "when is she going back?" Why does YBeez think he can get rid of Kenza "when I go home" I blatantly said, she can stay "she pays for her own thing even though I offered, she is good" I don't know why YBeez thinks she is money hungry like that "you're too smitten with her, once you air out that you're taken the girls are going to hate it" I scoffed "nah listen here" looking at him "that video alone with Kenza did numbers, we can sell and I promise you that but it isn't. She allows me to be me, stop this shit" I don't know why it angered me but he's just chatting shit "your bag is so heavy" getting up from the seat "let's get on the plane, come on son" Juke is really loving the idea of being the third wheel and I don't know why, he's funny. Reaching my hand over, grabbing Juke tee and pushing him forward "I said you ain't sitting in the middle, I am" juke looks so offended by it, noticing that someone is recording and I waved, I peeped that I am not stupid and I always know when someone got their phone out to record me, sliding into the middle seat.

Tension - Central Cee - KenzaDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora