Twenty Two. Part 3

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The boys are all in the room with me, my mind is a mess. I can't put it into words how much I love Kenza, but I did something I promised I wouldn't do but I barely remember it and that's what gets me, maybe I was too in my zone at that moment being in that place and just the sheer amount of girls and drugs, I know I was vibing anyways. She refuses to hear me out and all she is hearing is that I'm cheating "Cench, bro! Hey" the clicking of fingers in my face, looking to the side of me "guy is dazed!" K1 laughed "could say" shaking my head, I need to wake up "just a lot init, I need to have a piss too" I am just tired and fed up now "use a bottle bro, ain't no way you getting out like that. The fuck happened to you? And don't worry about shit, you know that will be dealt with right" I shrugged "this what happens when you chasing after a woman, if you didn't go running around. You literally said you was leaving the UK, so as far as we were aware you was gone so what happened exactly?" Ybeez questioned "uhm, she found out I cheated on her, she questioned me on it. The girls, they fucking snitched, she told her. What is the point of an NDA! So they told her, we argued" Ybeez laughed out "listen here you idiot, the whole world knew you have. You are on TikTok fighting, why you pinning her to the wall!? Like you in trouble, they think you doing shit to her now, you are everywhere, shit you made it onto Daily Mail too, so now what? I watched the video and you are both so unhinged, I told you to let her go and now fucking look" I am not shocked, we was both acting out publicly "I ain't letting her go" I am being so serious "I think that's out of your hands now, so now what?" Staring at Ybeez "I will get her back, I am not losing her, Ybeez stormed over to me "you fucking up!" He said in my face "live your life! You don't need a woman, that bitch will have you in deep shit! What don't you fucking get!" He barked "I ain't letting her go, do what you want because you need me, I don't need you so fuck you and fuck anyone else that has issues with her" Ybeez stormed off, he banged the door shut "damn" K1 is laughing "how bad is the video anyways? I know you all watched it" this is a mess "she was throwing things on the floor, like she opened her case and did it, you was shouting something but then you just pinned her to the wall, like you turned ape shit" that looks bad "she wouldn't stop, and now look. Any of you have a problem with her? Because it seems like my girl feels it so tell me" the room fell awfully silent "nah look just that we are wanting the best for you and like you know, she seems like she is out of depth with you in terms of how shit goes down, how can you be loyal in countries when there is baddies out there" resting my head back "nah, just know I am never doing shit. I mean drugs, that isn't me" I don't know why I even had that "but you know, I think you should let it go. You are better than that" looking at K1 "nah, she made me feel things. She cares for me and I fucked that up, don't ever tell me what I should do" the boys are scared, I don't blame them because I'll tell them to fuck off.

A lot of them left the hospital, which I'm glad about. My body is so sore, they have me bandaged me up, just my torso that is. I just need to see her badly "you know I did say to you not too, but you was on some rampage shit" Wadz said and he is right "when you're in that vibe it's just one of those things, all of things happened there and some things I wish I never to see" smiling at Wadz "same, so am I am hated on social media now? I guess I am" if they are saying the video is bad "erm I suppose, the video of you pinning Kenza to the wall, the whole arguing. They are saying that you're toxic and then now they are wishing you well with the fact you got stabbed but it's a little mixed, I hear the police are speaking to Kenza thinking that it happened because you was violent towards her, I mean I get it. You was wanting her to stay but why grab her like that" I shrugged "she was just chatting it, like saying all these things and then on-top of that she wanting to leave me, like some girl told her a lot, I don't even remember the shit, this is what makes me mad. Like I don't, I was doing whippets and all that shit, like I get that Ybeez is mad at me but all this shit is stressing me out, like you don't want me to be tied down but then you also don't want me to be fucking around? Give me a break, I don't want to fuck with girls like that. I can't shake her off, I can't let her go" Wadz sighed out "bro you're fucked, you literally cheated on her several fucking times, she don't want to know, clearly. How can you get that back?" I shrugged "harass her" Wadz is laughing but I'm not "you know when you get a girl that look at you as me, that takes me as I am, that just gives me the right type of care. I am not even fronting like she just gets me" Wadz sighed out "bro, it's done. She isn't going to have you back, she isn't that type. I said it to you, you ain't that drug type and I said it to you but yet you took the drugs? Bro it's not on, it's just not right at all" he wants me to stop but I honestly can't, he can bark all he wants about it, I can't just stop and leave something alone that I care about, I can't do it. Looking to the door "Oakley?" Of course it's the police "we need to speak to you, are you ok to talk now?" Shaking my head "we have two incident we need to speak on, the one for domestic violence" I frowned "huh? Who doing that?" The door closed "at the airport sir" shaking my head "she sent you? She said I've abused her?" Is he real right now "no, but we have had raised concerns from the members of public, and the video evidence" shaking my head "ask her, fuck off out of the room too" waving them off "we will be back, and we expect you to speak" I will have to walk out now, I can't stay here.

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