Twelve. Part 2

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I am trying so hard to not catch feelings way more then I am right now, I can't deal with being hurt, I can't do it to myself so I am trying to move away from him but Oakley isn't letting that happen. I must have stared at this photo for a good ten minutes now collectively, why is her hand there, why did she sit on his lap too, I have so many questions but I have to remember that we aren't together and I think we forget that. I don't want to hold him back by thinking he has to remain good for me at home, it's just not real. Also the fact his friends do not want me around, I am not sure why or who hurt them about me but they just want me gone but he keeps coming back, he gets mad at me for allowing him to be free. I am trying to set a boundary of we are just friends but he isn't accepting it, I didn't expect him to drive back the way he did and then wake me up like that too. Why can't he just be happy that I'm letting him be free, he gets so mad that I say those words. He is hanging onto the fact I had a meal with another man in Dubai, he was so mad when he saw those pictures and then the selfie but he was remaining calm on FaceTime but now he bought it back up because it has affected him, I know it has. I was so mad with how he woke me, he could have gave me a heart attack, imagine seeing a man hovering over you with his his hand over your mouth, I was so mad "fuck" locking my phone "erm why is Central Cee laid out on the sofa asleep?" Noor asked, throwing my phone to the side "because he's a jerk, did you let him in?" She low-key didn't want to laugh but I can tell she does "I did let him in, well I was getting late and I didn't want to wait around so I left the door open for him to go in. But he's still here, I've finished work too? I have Clint coming, I need him gone" raising an eyebrow "oh look at you? But I wasn't aware" she never said "you aren't the issue, I know you would have left me to do whatever but he is friends with him, can you fix it. Why is he there asleep?" It is Noor flat, I need to move really "because he scared me awake, I got mad, he got mad that I got mad and then he went to make himself comfortable enough to sleep, but I will fix it" Noor bowed out smiling, that is the only part she wanted to hear.

I am so confused did Oakley just leave off because his phone is on dead, I have his friend Wadz texting me "his friend messaged me on Instagram, he said have I seen him. I just checked his phone it's on dead" walking by him still asleep "I wish a man would travel like that for me, he did that. Maybe he is unhinged, like I know he was saying questionable shit but that is a London boy mentality, I suppose you got a problem too because he isn't going to leave you alone either" don't I know it "I better wake him then and charge his phone, his friend said he took my ride and didn't tell anyone have you seen him, I said yeah I have but not that he's here because I don't want them around here but don't worry, I will deal with it" making my way over to him, it's ok for him to scare me awake, he can get this shit back like who told him to give me a heart attack like that "Oakley" I said, walking around the sofa, reaching down and grabbing his phones from the ground, I'll charge them both "hey" shaking him a little, he in the deepest sleep ever. I really do not have it in me to scare him awake, I wanted too but then I don't because I am not evil  either "Oakley, hey" crouching down to his level, he is drooling, Noor won't be happy with that. I laughed to myself wiping the side of his mouth and wiping it on my clothing "Oakley, wake up for me" patting his back and then started stroking his face "get up please" he has opened his eyes finally "uh" he grunted "what time is it?" He asked while turning onto his back "Noor is back from work, now think about that" he groaned out "oh shit" he sat up "where is my phone?" He is half confused on life right now "they need charging, I will charge these. How about you get yourself cleaned up a little, I am sure you know where the bathroom is" he rubbed his face dragging himself up, he didn't bother to pull his pants up to cover his butt, luckily he got boxers on to cover that "what a vision" Noor said, I moved up from my position "try and shake him off, it's for the best" Noor is right but I just didn't expect him to do that, I have some sort of care for him and I don't want her to be that way.

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