58: Departure

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Back at the original meeting Thor was holding with his comrades.

Fandral: Well, what then? Your lovely mortal is being guarded by a legion of our Einherjar who will see you coming from miles away.

Thor: I won't be the one who comes for her.

Thor looks over to Sif; then we see Jane is sat in her guarded room when one of the guards enters.

Jane Foster: I'm not hungry.

Suddenly Sif comes up behind the guard and knocks him out, she looks over to Jane.

Sif: Good, let's go.

Jane and Sif meet up with Thor with Loki standing beside him, Jane points to Loki.

Jane Foster: You're...

Loki: I'm Loki. You may have heard of...

Suddenly Jane slaps Loki hard in the face.

Masaru: She is very slappy today.

Jane Foster: That was for New York.

Loki smiles and looks at Thor.

Loki: I like her.

Back at Thor's meeting with his comrades.

Sif: And what of the All-Father?

Heimdall: It is my sworn duty to notify him of crimes against the throne.

Odin visits Heimdall accompanied by some of his guards.

Odin: You called me here on an urgent matter. What is it?

Heimdall: Treason, my lord.

Odin: Whose?

Heimdall: Mine.

Heimdall draws his sword, at the same time more guards interrupt them.

Einherjar Lieutenant: My King, the mortal has been taken.

Odin looks at Heimdall as he commands his guards.

Odin: Stop Thor, by any means necessary.

As they hear the guards approaching.

Guards: There they are! Take them. On my command.

Sif: I'll hold them off. Take her.

Thor: Thank you.

Masaru, Thor, and Jane go off, as Loki goes to follow them Sif draws her sword and places it under Loki's throat.

Sif: Betray him and I'll kill you.

Loki chuckles.

Loki: It's good to see you too, Sif.

Loki leaves to join Thor and Jane as the guards get closer to Sif; back at the original meeting with Thor and his comrades.

Volstagg: Assuming you can get Loki's help, and you can free this mortal, what good would it do? We'd all be dead the minute we step one foot outside the palace.

Thor: That, my friend, is where we won't be leaving by foot.

Masaru, Thor, Loki and Jane meet Volstagg where Malekith's ship had crashed into the palace.

Volstagg: I will give you as much time as I can.

Thor and Volstagg do a forearm shake.

Thor: Thank you, my friend.

As they walk towards Malekith's crashed ship, Jane smiles and nods at Volstagg, then as Loki is about to follow Thor, Masaru, and Jane Volstagg stops him.

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