52: Aether

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Darcy pulls up outside an old abandoned factory and they all get out of the car.

Darcy Lewis: Come on, this is exciting! Look, the intern is excited.

Ian Boothby: Ian.

Darcy Lewis: Do you want the phase meter?

Jane Foster: No.

Darcy Lewis: [to Ian] Bring the phase meter.

She throws the car keys at Ian and starts walking off.

Darcy Lewis: The toaster looking thing.

Ian Boothby: I know what the phase meter is.

As Jane walks towards the factory Darcy calls her on her cell phone which starts playing an annoying music tone.

Jane Foster: How do I change the ring tone on this thing?

Darcy Lewis: An Astrophysicist with three degrees should be able to change her own ring tone.

Jane turns to look at Darcy.

Jane Foster: Why are you calling me?

Darcy Lewis: I didn't want to shout. [to Ian, who's following behind her] Intern, the entrance is this way.

Ian Boothby: Ian. My name's Ian.

Correction Richard and Ian...

As they enter the old factory they hear a noise.

Darcy Lewis: I am not getting stabbed in the name of science.

She holds up her hands and shouts.

Darcy Lewis: It's okay, we're Americans!

Jane Foster: Is that supposed to make them like us?

Suddenly they hear some kids voices.

Maddie: Make it go away...

Navid: Ssh!

Three kids come out of their hiding place.

Jane Foster: Oh, they're kids.

Maddie: Are you the police?

Jane Foster: No, we're scientists. Well, I am.

Darcy Lewis: Thanks.

Navid: We just found it.

Jane Foster: Can you show us?

The three kids lead Jane, Darcy and Ian to a truck, one of the boys touches the truck and pushes it up with two fingers, they watch in amazement as the truck floats in mid-air.

Darcy Lewis: That doesn't seem rigged.

The kids then take them to a stairwell in the factory, one of them drops a bottle down and they watch as the bottle disappears into thin air.

Darcy Lewis: Where did it go?

The girl points her finger up, they look up to see the bottle reappear above them and continuously fall and disappear in the same spots in the air.

Darcy Lewis: That's...that's incredible.

Jane picks up an empty can and drops it down and it does the same thing, it disappears into thin air, but when they look up to watch it reappear nothing happens.

Darcy Lewis: What happened?

Maddie: Sometimes they come back, sometimes they don't.

Darcy Lewis: I want to throw something. Jane, give me your shoe.

Jane picks up her gadget to look at the readings.

Jane Foster: I haven't seen readings like this since...

Darcy Lewis: New Mexico?

Jane give Darcy a meaningful look before rushing off.

Jane Foster: Don't touch anything!

Darcy Lewis: [to Ian] Give me your shoe.

Jane walks away from the others and watches them on the stairwell dropping objects down and watching them disappear and reappear, she sees looks at her gadget and sees the anomaly is nearby and starts walking off; back on the stairwell, Ian drops the car keys down and they watch it disappear but when they look up it doesn't reappear.

Darcy Lewis: Where those the car keys?

Jane follows the readings on her gadget which takes her to another part of the factory, as the readings get stronger a gust of wind pushes her forward and she finds herself teleported in another realm.

Jane Foster: Darcy!

She looks around and finds the column holding the Aether, she reaches her hand out and suddenly the Aether enters her body and she passes out; at the same time we see Malekith being awakened in his ship, knowing that the Aether has been found.

Malekith: [subtitled] The Aether awakens us. The Convergence returns.

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